Feeding a Gar


New Fish
Jun 26, 2010
Hi. I am very new to this fish keeping world and need some help. I have a 55G tank just started it little over a month ago. I did all the things told. started it and let it run for 3 weeks before I added any fish. All the chemical level are OK.

I have in it, 6-7'' Albino Oscar, 6-7'' Gar, and 6'' Pleco. My Oscar will eat anything and everything I throw at it and it's always hungry. My concern is the Gar, I don't think that It is getting any food. How can I feed the Gar and keep the Oscar from taking that food.

My question is what should I feed the Gar and what is the best time. I have been putting live feeders at night thinking may be the Oscar will be less likely to eat them in dark. The fish are gone in the morning, but can't be certain that the Oscar is not eating them. Gar is very laid back and has not been moving too much during the day so I am thinking that Oscar is getting the food after all. How long can Gar live without food, because since I got it over a week a go, I don't think that it has gotten any food.

Should the Gar and Oscar be kept in the same tank or shouldn't be. They do get along very well riding on each other and hanging out in the corner together.

Thanks for any help!!!

Dr. Laser

Small Fish
Jun 24, 2010
If you have ever been fishing you know that gar are the most active in the morning as the sun comes up I would recommend feeding him in the morning. What type of gar? if it is a spotted gar then your looking at a 36 inch fish and at least a 72 gallon tank and if its a long nose gar your looking at at over 50 inches and at least a 100 gallon tank...

Feb 27, 2009
Hi. I am very new to this fish keeping world and need some help. I have a 55G tank just started it little over a month ago. I did all the things told. started it and let it run for 3 weeks before I added any fish. All the chemical level are OK.
When you say you let it run for 3 weeks, did you do a fishless-cycle with ammonia? What are your readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

What was the Gar eating before you bought it?


New Fish
Jun 26, 2010
its a spotted Florida Gar. I am trying to get a bigger tank. But for right now its big enough for the fish. I don't think that I would want to keep it if its gets bigger then 15'' (hopefully it will live that long).

Yeah I did fishless-cycle. After three weeks everything was stable. I have to do a test again tomorrow, but I don't know the exact reading right now but everything was within the limit of what its suppose to be. Nitrate 0, ph 7.0-7.2 and other stuff.

Was it eating before? I am not sure. I bought it a local pet shop I didn't ask any health related questions. I thought it was an awesome fish and I got it.

I will try to feed it in the morning, and see if it moves around more during the day. It almost looks like its not happy and looks very sad in the tank :(

Thanks for a prompt reply. All you help is very appreciated.

Dr. Laser

Small Fish
Jun 24, 2010
I can say that the likely hood of it growing beyond 15 inches is almost certain however it probably wont hit 36 inches as that is the world record length i could foresee it hitting about 20-25 inches.

Feb 27, 2009
Yeah I did fishless-cycle. After three weeks everything was stable. I have to do a test again tomorrow, but I don't know the exact reading right now but everything was within the limit of what its suppose to be. Nitrate 0, ph 7.0-7.2 and other stuff.
A nitrate reading of zero indicates the tank is not cycled at all. It takes longer than 3 weeks to do a fishless cycle with ammonia. Just running the equipment on an empty tank does not make it ready to house fish safely.

You might want to make a call to the local fish store to ask what it was eating.

Just my 2cents.

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