I was thinking of Rummy-nosed tetras and some more corries.
I do not think i will get bettas either.
Do corries have to be in groups because i only have two right now?
i got 1 male swordtail and 2 females. Also got 3 boisami rainbows.
They all get along great!
What else can i put in there and how many free gallons do i have left?
sorry! Boesemani rainbows!(hehe)
How do you tell the gender difference because i have one rainbow that is very drab, but has a tidbit of color.Male or female?
The other two are super colorful.Are they males?
Hi Hayer. I thought rainbows could be aggressive, were a schooling fish and get pretty big. Of course, my connotation of big for the fish world is anything over five inches. Swordtails can get almost to five inches so that means you have almost 15 inches of fish with just those three. I haven't had experience with rainbow fish but I believe some get to at least four inches (or more) so you have at least 12 inches there. Looks like your tank is stocked. Of course, I am hoping someone who has experience with rainbow fish can answer your question. Glad your tank is stocked.
Sorry to hear about your female sword. When did you buy your fish? It's possible it was sick at the store. You might try taking the fish back to the store to get it replaced.