I decided to use the spray bar and I positioned it at the back, almost center of the tank just under the surfice with the spray aimed a little toward the surfice. I wish the hose was a little more flexable. It was a little hard to get the intake to stay where I put it, (to stay straight). The intake and spraybar suction cup holders could fit a little tighter so they would stay in place. The spraybar does ok because it has two holders but the intake could have used two also, or like I said fit tighter. But, by no means let this discourage anyone from purchasing one of these excellent units. I am very pleased with the construction of the unit. The materials are solid and of excellent quality. This filter does give Eheim a run for it's money. I am very pleased with mine. I am using what filteration that came with the unit, and plan to place two Seachem Purigen bags in also, as I think Seachem Purigen bags are an excellent filter. I'm at work and breaks over so I'll write some more to you Guys and Gals later. Hang