Filstar XP 2

Oct 22, 2002
:eek:I decided to use the spray bar and I positioned it at the back, almost center of the tank just under the surfice with the spray aimed a little toward the surfice. I wish the hose was a little more flexable. It was a little hard to get the intake to stay where I put it, (to stay straight). The intake and spraybar suction cup holders could fit a little tighter so they would stay in place. The spraybar does ok because it has two holders but the intake could have used two also, or like I said fit tighter. But, by no means let this discourage anyone from purchasing one of these excellent units. I am very pleased with the construction of the unit. The materials are solid and of excellent quality. This filter does give Eheim a run for it's money. I am very pleased with mine. I am using what filteration that came with the unit, and plan to place two Seachem Purigen bags in also, as I think Seachem Purigen bags are an excellent filter. I'm at work and breaks over so I'll write some more to you Guys and Gals later. Hang


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
dont know
I just got my XP2.  Seems to work great!  No complaints, very quiet.  

I was wandering, how do all you put your CO2 into the filter?  I currently just squezzed my 1/8" CO2 tube into the intake plastic deally.  Is there a better way?  I was thinking about drilling a hole into the black cap Geoff and others were refering to and sealing my CO2 poly tube into the filter that way.