Filstar XP3, Fluval 404, or Eheim????

Oct 22, 2002
Hi Everyone, I am going to set up a 75 Gallon tank that i bought from a freind of mine. I want to set it up after christmas, so i need to get the filter on order pretty quick.
I like the style of the Filstar XP3, the separate media baskets seem like it would make it a breeze to service, very straight forward.
The Fluval 404 sounds like a good filter also, but the way the media is put in and stacked seems a little more difficult to change what needs to be changed, and i have read about water by-pass problems.
Eheim i know is the filter of choice, and the filter of cash too!!! :eek: :eek:
But would the Filstar XP3 do as good a job as the Fluval and the Eheim? ???
Thanks in advance for all your opinions ;D


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I can only tell you what I have tried and know.  Eheim are always good product but is quite expensive.  They make the best canister filters.
Fluval is reliable in terms of doing the job.  I have mine for 4 years and it's still working but changing the media on this canister is a pain in the butt.
Magnum's are also reliable and I haven't heard really any bad things about it.
For the Filstar, I have a few people who bought it and really like it but they have been running it for only a few months.  Try to find a canister filter that is easy maintenance and within your price range.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I guy I know who works at the LFS who is also an experienced aquarists tells me the Filstar are very good line of filters - considering they pump more water per hour and cost about the same as Fluvals.

I have never useed Eheims.

I have used Fluval 404 and Fluval 303 and they are OK.  theoretically a canister filter should have to be cleaned every 6 months anyway so maintenance might not be a concern.

All are good filters .  Good luck with your decision.



I always say 'You get what you pay for!'. Eheim is probably the best on the market but you also pay the price. I have a Filstar XP3. Excellant filter. I would recommend a Filstar over a Fluval. Ive had my XP3 for around 10 months and really like it. Easy to clean, quiet and very good filtering. Very easy setup and operation. Im considering actually buying the XP1 soon for my 20G.

What it comes down to is what you can afford and are willing to pay. Good luck.

I've been trying to decide the same thing myself. I wanted to get a canister filter for my 55 gal, but I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a Eheim. I was leaning towards the Filstar XP2 because it looks a lot easier to use than a Fluval and I've heard a lot of people say that they didn't like Fluvals. I'm pretty sure now that I am going to get the Filstar.

Pet Warehouse ( has Filstars for pretty cheap. Anybody seen them anywhere for cheaper?

XP1 - $58.50
XP2 - $76.50
XP3 - $99.00


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You could try Petsmart online.  Although the original price cost more, they have a 20% coupon, so it ends up to be cheaper than petswarehouse.

Here's the coupon code.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I just got a Filstar XP1, and also an Eheim 2226...     from what I can tell the Filstar is going to be a very nice filter and will give Eheim some much needed competition.

My Eheim 2226 is also very nice but the parts are rather expensive (O ring $30)

Try it. (the filstar) you won't be dissapointed.