Finally Getting Started

#1 finally gonna start working on my 38 gal that ive been cycling since CHRISTMAS... (lack of $)lol. Well My test have been ok, although all i had was LS in there...on WEdnesday, i added some LR, about 15 lbs. But i plan to add much more. on Saturday, i got 12 damsels-6 dominos, 6 three stripes. I dont plan on keeping them, just got em in there for a source of starter LR. Im getting paid on friday, so i plan on getting about 15 more lbs of lr this weekend. just wanted to update. what do u think?

im also not sure what im gonna stock it with yet.....any suggestions?

here some pics...


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
looks fine, but i think your LR may be pretty dense if those two little pieces weighed 15 pounds...lighter is better as far as LR is concerned because it is more porous which allows for more surface area...course i could be way off the mark on the weight cause it is awfully hard to measure froma picture ;)

there is absolutely no reason to have the damsels in there...might as well return them and use the money on more LR

when you buy your next batch of rock make sure to have an idea in your mind of the way you want it to all end up looking so that you can buy pieces which will accomodate that desire


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
biospira works, but again, it won't be necessary for you since you have the LR in there...the LR will kick start the cycle, and if your live rock was "cured" there really will be no cycle to speak of anyway


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You spent god knows how much time on here posting and hopefully reading, and you still bought 12 damsels to cycle the tank????

Your lfs saw you coming.

Sorry, this looks to me like another prospective I bought 12 damsels for an uncycled tank and now 10 are dead thread.

Yeah, i hadnt heard much about the damsel cycling thing. But he said that i need something for starter bacteria, and i told him that i had LR and it would do the same, but he said that i needed either fish or biospyra. The bio spyra was like 28 dollars, and i got the damels for his whole sale (2.00) so they were only 24, and i got to have fish in there. He told me that they would prolly all die, but i thought "what the hell, theyre only 2 bucks a piece". But right now they seem to be doing fine and all 12 of them are still alive. He said that he will buy them back from me for the 2.00 that i got them for (prolly cuz he figured i wouldnt have any to sell backl)lol. So once i get all of the LR, i think ill sell them back and start stocking my permantent fish. And i figured that this wasnt too bad of a deal, because he sounded like he knew more than me? and the fish werent as expensive...

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Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You thought it ok that they'd all die in the name of cycling, so you can put in some more fish that fit your description of better?
Cycle off the liverock. Your lfs owner is a jerk. The point of aquaria is to keep fish alive. You're risking the damsels for no good purpose.
Something like 90% or saltwater beginners are out of the hobby after one year thanks to quality advice like what you're getting.


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
Visit site
i just think its cruel and unneccessary to subject damsels to the cycling process--the hobby has made a lot of advances in this there's no need to abuse fish
but s. reef is right...someone should slap me, i just flip flopped