a bit of comparison, these are early november...so a couple months growth and some new stuff had been added...course ive redecorated since then again so ill try to get some pics sometime
lol...no tangs....hahaha (say that like thanks and you will laugh too)
in a 55 i don't like to keep mid sized active fish like tangs and the reasons are two fold: 1) i think they look disproportionately large, smaller fish tend to create an illusion of size 2) i think they feel cramped...
the eibli angel (not pictured) is growing fairly rapidly and is probably at about 3.5in now (up from about 2in 6 months ago) and the gold striped maroon clown is a good 5in...when the eibli gets up to ~5 or 6in he should fill a lot of that vacantish look it has...all im looking to add in the future is either a bicolor or midas blenny
well, were going on week 3 since i got the fish and theyre all still alive, although some of the 2 stripes have severely nipped tails, and the dominos all are in great shape. i added a cinamon clown and a few hermits yesterday.