Finally pulled the trigger....


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
Brought home a 65 gallon AGA Reef Ready tank (36X18), stand, biggest sump filter I could fit in the stand, skimmer, etc. today. Kept looking and looking and finally said "poop or get off the pot". I have a little rearranging to do in the basement to make room but hopefully will have it in place and ready to fill by Sunday. I had to order a pump for the filter but hopefully that will be here tomorrow. The store didn't have the lighting I wanted so I will have to wait a week or so for that but I figure I have a little time before I really need it. Just wanted to give you all fair warning that there will be a lot of "newbie" questions coming your way as I get into this. I have been reading and researching all I can for about the last year but I am sure once I start getting into it I will be looking for advice. Anyway, just had to share my excitement somewhere. What little enthusiasm I could get out of my wife quickly dissipated when she saw the receipt. I am sure she will be speaking to me again soon. Until then I will have plenty of time to set up the tank uninterrupted............


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Welcome to the world of saltwater! I've only just joined myself, and so far it has been fine. Of course, I have no fish yet, but I'm looking forward to the whole process.

I guess you'll be looking into live rock in the next few weeks.

I have to say that running the system with freshwater to make sure everything worked was a really good idea for us. We did find a small leak in the plumbing and had to drain the tank down. That would have been costly if we had rushed and added salt.


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
That is excellent advice. I will run it a couple of days with fresh water. I will probably add the live rock sometime just before new years. Have to travel a little the days after Christmas. I too am looking forward to the process.


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
I got the tank cleaned out and inside, but the area I was going to put it does not seem to be level. I would say it is about 1/4 inch lower against the wall (back of the tank) than it is in the front. If I put a 1/4 inch X 2 inch piece of wood running the length of the back of the stand will it jeopardize the integrity of the stand? The stand is flat bottomed as opposed to 4 or 6 legs. Any thoughts?

My pump did not come today so it looks like Tuesday or Wednesday until I can fill the tank. I will get some pics up as soon as I get it level and in place.


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
OK. Things got delayed over holidays due to a death in the family but I finally got the tank up and running. I ran it for several days with fresh water to make sure that the plumbing was sound, which it was. Got it up to temperature and added the salt. The parameters are as follows now:


I think I need to bring the salinity up just a tad. What else do I need to test for? I hope to get the live rock over the weekend and start the cycling process.



Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
For right now the salinity and pH are your only major tests. Once you get the LR in you need to start testing for Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate. You may want to consider removing the bioballs from your sump as they tend to do little more than create tons of nitrates...not really ideal in a reef.


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
Do you mean remove the bio balls while I am cycling or remove for good? With live rock, will they not be necessary for growing bacteria?

Also, I had ran out of pH testing solution so I was using strips. Got a new test kit. pH is at 8.2. Salinity is 1.023.


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
I couldn't find any stickies regarding reef lighting. I am not sure I understand T5 HO lighting. Can you get away with lower wattage with this type of lighting? It looks like it gives off less heat which is why I am interested in it, but I can't seem to find fixtures that as high an output. Any insight would be appreciated.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
Well what are you planning for this tank? if in the future you have any aspirations at establishing a reef, Metal Halide is really your best option due to the depth of a 65 gallon tank, they are able to really punch down to the bottom. With certain reflectors T5 can work, but again I would not recommend it, plus replacing bulbs gets costly.

oh yea, and ph should be a little higher, preferable 8.3-8.45, and I like to keep my salinity at 1.025, but that is just me.


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
I removed the bio balls from the sump. should I be running some type of mechancial filtration on the egg crate or just leave it as is. I removed the drip plate and the pad as well. Should that stay in?


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
Thanks Lotus. I will check out the sock.

Aresgod - Yes, my thank is 36" long. Looks like the 300W is on sale and quite a bit cheaper than anywhere else. I also see that it does not have Actinic lighting. Is this necessary if you plan on keeping corals?