Fire fish concern

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I know they are carnivorious fish and I see it says to feed them brine shrimp. What about blood worms and the flake food I fed my damsels?

Will the brown aglae that is in my tank now eventaully turn to an algae that most fish will graze on? I got a algae bloom because when I was vaccuming I wasn't paying attention and sucked up about a quart of good sand. So I just replaced it with the washed play sand I had. Well shortly after adding that I add a horrible aglae bloom. I'm hoping it goes away and returns as a edible one.

Is it normal for a firefish to immediately find a hinding spot in a new tank? I haven't seen my new fishies for about 2 hours now. Would they hide in the rocks? Or the sand? I moved my rocks around to see if I could just find them, but I couldn't.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
leave them be, they are nervous, firefish are extremely skittish, also from now on, don't add anything to your tank unless it is stable, algae bloom = not stable. Feed mysis, not brine, brine is nutritiously the equivalent of cheetos.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Blood worms and flake are fine, better than brine, though bloodworms are pretty much 99% water as well.
I would think it concidence you got a nasty brown algaeafter swapping good sand for play sand as frankly there's little difference between the two. Silica sands do not cause algae blooms. Hopefully if you do a decent job the brown algae will disappear.
If your firefish is hiding (most do) leave it be to settle down. Hope the damsels haven't hassled it enough to make it hide to death, or to make it jump...

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Nope, I took the damsels out before putting them in. I did test the water and both nitrite and ammonia are 0. The brown algae is starting to go away. I checked again this am and I still cannot find them anywhere. I just hope they didn't get stuck in a rock somewhere. How long should I give the two guys before I go searching? I know they were pretty spooked at the LFS. The LFS had to completely take the tank down and even take the UGF out of the tank to get them. I almost was going to say I didn't what them, but felt bad because they did all that to get them. I think for now on I'm going to drive an extra 20 minutes and go to the better LFS.

Can I put a new bag or aragonite ontop of my existing DSB? I know it's still fairly new, but I know some sand bags say not to add ontop of a existing bed.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Give them time. They need to be comfortable, my bet is they are coming out at night.....Is your tank in a busy area of your house? constant movement passing the tank will make them skittish when new too, they will become accustomed to it eventually. Try enticing them with some really good mysis such as Piscine Energetics it is frozen and has a higer protein content than most mysis....most fish can't resist it.....crack for fish

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Thanks Lorna I'll get some of that. My tank is behind my bar and right now sees no traffic unless i'm looking for them either before or after work. I seen one this am with just his tail sticking out. Their only tank mate is a cleaner shrimp and snails and hermits.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
It's a 55 gal. I read that chromis will help shy fish come out, but I don't want those things in my tank. I heard they can be as bad as damsels. I'm looking for a lawnmower blenny or a pistol shrimp goby pair or 2 oc clowns, but I was told to add them last.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Came home today and they were out and about. I'll wait a little before I add any more fish. I just got a auto fish feader, and a Seio 620 gph powerhead. I doesn't feel like 620 though??? Is that because it's coming out of two exhausts instead of one?

If I only have the two firefish one cleaner shrimp and a couple hermits and snail just how much food should I be putting in the tank. I just got a nitrate test kit and it was around 25. So I did a 5 gallon water change, but I'm wondering if I'm feeding too much.

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