First SW tank - 15gal Nano

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Well i did it. I bought the tank. The LFS was selling a former nano show tank that was on the counter. Its a Via Aqua LV 418W Series 15gal. So i got it fairly cheap compared to what a new one would have cost me. It came with a light, 2 PC's. 1 18W - 12000k PC Actinic and 1 18W - 7100k PC Daylight.

A few questions...

1. Will this light be ok when i want to grow a few corals later down the road? It was doing fine when they had it setup on the counter....just want another opinion.
2. I still need to get a heater, what wattage would you recommend?
3. I'm thinking of getting a small like AC Mini just to move some water (along with a powerhead) and maybe serve as a fuge later on.
4. LR. Any poundage recommendations for a 15gal? This isn't a very wide tank, its taller than anything so i'd stack the rock.

As for stocking, first comes cycling the tank and such...and adding the LR/Sand. But later i plan on adding about 1-2 Black and White Percula or True Percula clowns, hermits, and some shrimps, maybe 1 goby too. :) Then corals once i feel confident enough (pending the light).

Suggestions or comments? I can't wait to get started.

Edit: After reading around some more on i'm thinking i might not have enough light....for now yes but not later. Thoughts?

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
1. Will this light be ok when i want to grow a few corals later down the road? It was doing fine when they had it setup on the counter....just want another opinion.

-well, it really depends on how crazy you want to get...personally, i would want more light especially on a deep tank like the via aquas, but for mushrooms, leathers, and zoanthids you could probably get by with what is on there...for sure on the shrooms

2. I still need to get a heater, what wattage would you recommend?

-50w assuming your house doesnt get really cold

3. I'm thinking of getting a small like AC Mini just to move some water (along with a powerhead) and maybe serve as a fuge later on.

-if you have the space/money i would just get a larger AC...maybe AC 500; a lot of people go that route and here is a link with some more info

-wouldn't need a powerhead with the larger AC, and you could add the heater to the refugium!

4. LR. Any poundage recommendations for a 15gal? This isn't a very wide tank, its taller than anything so i'd stack the rock.

- its really hard to give a poundage estimate on such a small volume because if you get one light piece or one heavy piece it can really skew things, but i would guess around 15-20 pounds would be good. you need to make sure the fish will have a little swimming room (though clowns and gobys both don't move around all that much). my advice would be to be selective. don't just buy a piece to get started, really look carefully for something which has a lot of interesting nooks and crannies and holes. you might even consider looking for one nice large piece and not adding anything else (i think that is what i would do), especially if you go with the AC refugium because you will add LR to the ac as well. realistically, in an unskimmed small tank you are going to need to do significant w/c anyway so the difference between 15 and 20 pounds of LR in your display will be negligible

as far as stocking, i think a pair of percs (i prefer the blacks myself ;)) is about the limit in a tank that size and would skip the goby, but shrimp, crabs, and snails, are no problem and add very little to the bioload...probably a good choice shrimp wise is a single specimen of the lysmata species...might go for a blood shrimp in your case because in such a small tank you would probably even get to see him or her, lol

anyway, hope that was somewhat useful to you

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Very useful, thanks.

-Shrooms are good, i enjoy looking at those and they are pretty common around here so i know i can get my hands on some.

-I'll looking to the AC500, got on running on my 55gal now. Just seems so big lol. Thanks for the AC500/Fuge link, it'll help out i hope.

-50w heater sounds good, gotta pick that up. I like the idea of this being hidden insde the AC/Fuge.

-Me and the LFS employee will have to go digging in the LR bin, gotta find a nice piece ;)

-Ok, on the stocking i'll skip the goby. Probably won't be tons of room on the bottem anyway. I sometimes see the black percs around here but not to often. I like them too. I think i'll shoot for one blood shrimp as well.

Thanks again. Hopefully i can keep a small tank update thread going once i start like others have done. I know there will be LOTS of pics. :)

Aug 23, 2003
Granada Hills, Ca.
I don't have any plans of making a saltwater tank (got sick of it doing research and thinking of the costs:rolleyes: ), but that AC500 idea is really cool! Really, I think its really nice.

Good luck Cichlid-Man... Post pictures!:D

Hahaha, I'm still looking at it.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
1. For some, but doesn't have the punch for others. Watts per gallon doesn't always work, ytou sometimes need a minimum intensity
2.I'd get a hundred as my office gets chilly
3.Camaro has a good plan
4. Get a couple big pieces, even thoguh it's still relatively small small pieces are a pain. Try to get fresh as possible, not stuff they've had siting round for a while. Get decent stuff, you'r not buying much so the cost differential between good and rubbish is limited.

Is it a glass or acrylic tank. I have one of the acrylics.... super nice.

Okay I know I have absolutely NO experience with SW, but is it possible that I read somewhere that the LR must be added before the cycling process? Or that it's better that way tho... I think I read that adding LR after the cycling is started will kick it back a little and take longer... Maybe I'm wrong.

I've been reading alot lately about nano sw's and I'm considering (secretely) setting one up in a (relatively) near future. My girl must not know about this, because she already thinks I'm a freak... I already have 4 tanks and I'm in the hobby for less than a year so maybe that's why... :D



Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
The introduction of uncured live rock really starts the cycling process. If its already cured cycling in essence is complete.

The amount of live rock depends on what looks good to you. Since the tank is so tall I would get long skinny peices...makes the tank look bigger.

Depending on the goby you want some can be kept in a tank that size. Stay away from Sleepers, but Clown gobys, and smaller gobys would be fine. If it was me I would get a clownfish or two.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
if you are seriously thinking about the AC500 you might measure it on your 55 just to see how much room it will have with partitions, etc and then there really isn't a reason to go with the biggest heater you can fit in there, better safe than sorry...i was just thinking that generally the 50w jobs are a little smaller

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Yeah i heard a lot of Michigan people saying that Sreef. I think i'm only gonna get a 50w since my room stays so hot. I leave the fan on a lot of times acctually. So i just need a little heater to bump the temp up a bit.

Not sure if it will be the 500 just because of its size and power, but i do like the AC's for their open box type filter. So it will probably be a smaller version AC.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Ah, i've been meaning to update this.

Ok so i got the 15gal ViaAqua where it will sit, right on my desk by my computer. And i've aquired some crushed coral substrate from my dad (left overs of a 40lb bag from his tank) which saves me $34+ so i can buy my LR and such sooner :).

What i'm doing now is saving. Saving up so i can get the LR and Water at the same time and not have to introduce a little LR here and a little LR there. All at one time. Planning on getting 20Lbs and any left over will go into my dads tank, for safe keeping of course until i get more space ;)

I've got most of the equipment, still need an HOB filter and a Hydrometer, and then i should be set. Everything should come together in the next 2 weeks hopefully.

As for stocking, once i get to that point, what do you think about 2 Perc clowns, 1 firefish, and 1 blood shrimp?