first time ciclid owner


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I use the NLS premium cichlid pelets. The small ones. They eat the stuff up. Of course, I've yet to see any Tanganyikan cichlid not eat like they've not been feed for months. :)

Right now your tank will be fine. But I really don't think that it will remain very peacefull for the long term. Once the fish grow and mature some, they are going to defend their teritories very diligently. You have four species of fish that all like the same type of habitat: rocks. So realestate is going to be premium for them. Like I said, this is what will happen eventualy. I would say you've got a good year or so before you should see many if any problems as all the fish so far have looked pretty young. The lelupi IMO would be my biggest worry for now.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
NLS (New Life Spectrum) is the BEST. I love the stuff....the fish do too of course. I use the "General" NLS and feed every tank with it. Discus, Malawi, Tang shelldwellers, etc. They all eat it and can't get enough of it. At this point its the only food i will ever buy.

Agreed on the Lelupi being the biggest worry in the future. But sit back and enjoy for now. :) The growth rate is on your side with this tank.