Fish Abuse?


Medium Fish
Sep 18, 2005
swordtailraiser said:
even though they are just fish u should say something to someone about that.that is so terrible.if i was rich and i went there.i would of bought all of them just to save them.
If you did that, you'd just be validating what they were doing, encouraging them to get more in supply and do the same thing seeing as how sales were so great and all.


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
some folk have less brains than a 'false face'...
ignorant and uncaring beyond belief...

stick the store owners in a bloody bag for a month...

makes me want to save every betta i see in difficulty. ...grrrrrrrrrrr... !!!


Small Fish
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane, Australia
Yea! We here in Oz need to know too! My betta Reginald (very similar to ninamarie's betta) enjoys a condo tank (as far as betta's are concerned of near two gallons with his own hedging and weekly water change). I hope that these scum are slammed for such cruelty. Why do people consider fish to be such a non concern compared to cats and dogs etc????


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
When I worked at Petco that is how they got shipped to us. We always got them out of those bags. And alot of times quite a few of them were dead. Now that was only a few days in the can they last a month in there if they die in a few days!!!!????!!!! That is totally ridiculous and I hope that you said something. The cups are bad but at least they have a chance at living!!


Large Fish
Oct 2, 2003
Central NY, USA
Mushroomman said:
Ok lets set something straight here. I work at a reputable LFS (NOT a chain) and bettas are shipped to us in those little plastic bags. For shipping thats ok but I dont see how it would last a month in there, how would it be fed and ammonia would be off the scale, thus leading to pretty disgusting living conditions. When we get them in we put them in bowls.I know alot of you hate this but you know what bettas dont move a whole lot and its temporary; even bettas we have on display in bigger filtered acryllic tanks on the counter dont move around and use the space.

And the "food coloring" is actually a declorinator/oxygenator to help keep the water suitable for the fish. Its like conditioner.

Remember people... its temporary and at my store at least we change the water often and feed them regularly, so dont judge unless you really know whats the whole story. If thats not the case then it is abuse. But leaving them in bags is really bad...
Mushroomman, thanks for teaching me something (above). I personally feel the lfs where you work is reputable (one of my favs!) Like you said though, if this place is leaving their bettas in these "shipping" bags it's really bad!
I've seen bad but that sounds nutts! Unbelievable! SICK #@&%s!!!!


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
I wish that PET SMART( kinda funny if you think about it, "PETSMART") would stop with the colored water. You can't tell what the color is of the betta and it irks me. Also you can't tell if the darn fish are ill like Reef said until you get home

Also i think they need to up the size of the containers too.

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Ok, wait a minute people, I agree the store could probably put their fish in bowls, but remember that bettas are surface breathers, and so don't require a lot of airation, and as long as they are changing the water, which they may or may not be doing if they are in bags...but in any case, you can tell if the water is getting gross with bettas if they develop kinda a slimy scale on the surface. (it's really nasty you can't miss it.) At least that's what happened to my poor dorm betta when I didn't clean his tank every week. I only had him in a one gallon (and I was being generous!) and he was perfectly happy, I even had a little stump in there for him to hide him, too bad a friend of mine killed him, I miss Howie. ANYWAYS, my point is they don't need extra aeration and you have to remember they're really hardy! Just take a closer look at the fish before you jump to anything. You know classic signs of disease, or stress (lighter coloration, or spots from rubbing against the bags...)

That information is quite helpful and many dont need ariation but a pet store cant change hundres of bowls every three days like bettas should be changed, if they are in a gallon jar or cup with no ariation it is possativly and should be cleaned every three days with a full water change, sadly that adds stress to the fish and so does a once a week cleaning. The filtration is needed to make it easier for you or the pet store cause it cuts the cleaning to two weeks or a month for a compleat change making it a more relaxing life for your betta ^^. Even bettatalk has alot about it o.o. Non-filtration is good, but if you cant change it every other day or every three days get a filteration into your gallon or jar.

I dont feel its the job of the pet store to do some things, and for one they are mainly doing what mushroom said, but many times they do use the little cups. Normaly people SHOULD be buying these fish but because the fish purchase is low in some states they are actualy advised NOT to touch the cups. Cause it is not the athority of the workers to do it but rather the managers who sadly dont care about fish =/
Thats why the people who say petland is awesome I know for all animals big and small its a freakin deth trape O_O and if the fish are being kept in baggies. So is that pet store X_X..

However I would not wait till you see the bettas in distress till you say something, cause sometimes they have it before you can even see it, I got my betta from a pet smart that has them in cups, but before I knew it he had ich,finrot,bacterial parasites,fugal infections and all sorts of crud the day after he moved into the new tank cause stress didint show untill he was moved from his imidiat home. My water has been proved better for bettas due to where I live and my friends bettas who never use waterclearners cause theres not much chorein to worry about. However where we got are bettas made a BIg difference in there survival rate though they look perfict at the store =/ the problems dont usualy happen till you get home. If there doing the baggie thing I would report it to the NR's quite soon ..

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Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Bettas do not need airation just a surface to get air, but the pet store cups are too small, they should be bigger so the fish can actually swim. I see the Bettas in petstores, most of the time they are healthy but most of them look bored or even cage crazy or should I say cup crazy swishing back and forth like mad. I even found a dead betta on the shelf dried up. Poor guy even the Petsmart worker felt sorry for him )-: