Fish compatibility suggestions?

May 2, 2007
Cycling with a vengence!

I checked water parameters today:

Ammonia: 0.25ppm
Nitrite: 6ppm
Nitrate: 5ppm

This immediately set off alarms for me with the Nitrite being so high. I did a 35 gallon water change and retested for Nitrite, down to 0.25ppm (whew). Almost frightening that it went from a barely perceptable blip on the test kit to 6ppm in less than a week.

I guess it just took a really long time to get the cycle process started. The Black Ghost Knife has been looking poorly all week, I guess the numbers above explain that. Here's hoping he makes it this week. I plan on testing every day and doing 10 gallon per day water changes regardless unless you all have a better suggestion. I've dropped the salt and the pH Down from the water change process also.


Large Fish
Aug 13, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
I have UGF's in all of my tanks.. and have never had a problem - however my tanks don't go over 30 gal in size...and my set up is a little odd I guess because my LFS thinks I'm nuts :)

I have 2 bio wheels in each tank, one pulls water directly from the tank, the other has the tube down into the UGF. The other tube that comes out of the UGF has a bubble wand thingie in it for circulation. I know it's not necessary to have it this way, but I feel if it ain't broke why fix it :)

I also did buy a 1" tetra tube (about 6 feet) and dump the UGF by suction once every few months. It's amazing the gunk that comes out of there...