Fish Died

Feb 27, 2009
You need ammonia, nitrite and nitrate when you get your own.

What brand and type of test kit does your friend use? I'm curious, as most that don't do ammonia, nitrite and nitrate typically leave out ammonia.

Last edited:
Feb 27, 2009
It works so I dont see how its expired xD right now I cant look at it but i will check later to be sure.
Expired products will not give correct readings (so may appear to be working). An actual reading of zero may show a high reading, or an actual reading of 5ppm may show a reading of zero on an expired test kit.

The test kit should have had nitrate bottles so if they were missing, its POSSIBLE its an old kit that is expired. You will have your own this weekend, so I wouldn't worry about your friend's kit (other than to make sure he is aware that the readings may be wrong if its expired).