Fish Fleas?

Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
I am worried he might not make it till tomorrow.

My betta boy is swimming around, making bubble nest, eating BUT.....

I find that he is laying on the bottom a lot more that normal and he seems to be trying to rub his body on the rocks.

Could he have fleas? Just kidding!!!

But do the get a scale itch????

Should I just by some meds for his water?

Any suggestions would be great!!!


Mar 11, 2003
Sounds like your fish has either ich or velvet. Shine a flashlight on him. Does he look like he has white dots all over or does he look more like he is "dusty"? Velvet usually causes itching, so I'm going to go with that one for now. You're going to need to buy either Aquarisol or Maracide and follow the directions on the back. If you let me know how big is bowl/tank is, I might be able to explain them to you. Also be aware that velvet will infect any other fish that your fish/fish net has come in contact with. At some point in time, whether your fish survives or not, make sure to follow the sanitation procedures on this page:

Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
I 99% sure it is velvet like PreciousGems said.

The problem is that I have him in a 1 gallon bowl. I don't have a way of taking all his water home. Would it be safe to just take as much as I can and then fill the rest up with fresh water?

I hope I can work this out before 5pm.

awwww this is so stressfull on me I hope my fish is better.

Scratchs against hard objects (CHECK)

Fish is lethargic (CHECK)

Loss of appetite and weight loss (he still eats, but weight loss CHECK)

Rapid, labored breathing (CHECK)

Fins clamped against body (CHECK)

Fine yellow or rusty colored film on skin (looks more silver on my black fish CHECK)

In advanced stages skin peeks off (Oh I hope not!!)

Mar 11, 2003
You can probably leave him at your work, he should be okay until tomorrow. Stressing him out could make it worse, like you suggested. If you use Aquari-sol (which I recommend), put in one drop. Change the water 2 times a week, each time adding a drop of it. I'd also get some salt and put in a small pinch of it along with the medication. Salt is a disease preventative, so it will be useful to you in the future. If you think that he's really bad off, you can safely add 2 drops of the medication but no more than that. Good luck, he should be okay if you treat him right away, and since you live in CA, the weather will be warm which also helps.



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Oh what we won't do for our fish...haha :) Not making fun...just pointing out that if I had a betta here at work who was sick I'd do the same thing and I am NOT a morning person! lol Hope he gets better soon

Mar 11, 2003
Okay, I'm not trying to offend you or anything, but you know its aquarium salt right? Not just regular salt? You'll find it at Petco. I just have to make sure you know, you'd be surprised how many people don't know that there's a difference between table salt and aquarium salt.


Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA

Yes I know it is NOT table salt!

I know what you are talking about, I have see sites that table salt is ok!!!

About the water changes while medicating...would it be 100% 2x per week?
I just am trying to make sure I bring enought water to work with me.

I have placed him in a dark place I read that will help slow the growth of the infection.

Well see how he is tomorrow.

Thank you again!

Last edited:
Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
#15 I have bought some stuff for my betta boy.

Like always the people at Petco don't know jack. *crazysmil

So I bought 2 kinds of Parasite meds. The Aquari-Sol stated that it was a Preventative. I also found QuICK Cure. *SICK*

This is exactly what they say and they are both made from the same comapny.

Parasite & Ick Preventative

Quick Cure
Fast Relief for Ick & Other Parasites

I don't know what one to use!!!! :confused:

I also bought salt (not table) but I did ask the fish gal if they had a smaller container of salt and she said just use table salt that way you don't have to buy any.

Um it is not about the $2.49 it is about keeping the fish alive.

So what one should I use....Lets keep our finger crossed that I can even use one (meaning that he is still alive tomorrow)

Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
Ok so he was up and swimming this morning when I got to work!!! YEA!!!!!!!

I gave him 2 drops of the Aquari-Sol to help kick of the process, I also dissolved 1 (sunflower seed size) of Aquarium salt and added it to his bowl. I am wondering if I should put 1 more piece of salt in his bowl.

I feed him as much as he would eat last night before going home since he looked emaciated and placed him in a very dark corner of my desk.

He is swimming around more already but he is still resting on the bottom every now and then. His gills are not puffing like yesterday so I think that is a good sign.

I wonder if he knows that I am trying to help him.

I will keep everyone that has helped me updated as the week goes on.

Thank you again!

Betta Boy thanks you too.

Mar 11, 2003
Oh, and for your medication amounts, use 2 drops just for up to about a week, and then try and use one drop per gallon after that amount of time. This way he's not going to be pumped with meds for a few weeks straight.
