fish ideas


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Now there are three questions PLEASE ANSWER THEM!!!!!

How do we feed the dragon goby and the crab? we only have flake food.

Will it be ok to feed platies goldfish flake, or at least ok to buy tropical flake food and mix them?

We wanted a fish that is a little different looking to go along with the platys, I mean different by just having an interesting body shape rather than color!!

AGAIN, PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Medium Fish
Jan 28, 2009
Auburn, AL
You can buy crab disks/pellets the goby will probably it them too(algae disk work too). Blood worms, work too. Crabs tend to eat anything. What type of crab to you have? Is it a fiddler? Dragon Gobys do best in brackish water, depending on what type of crab you have you might want to thinking about turning the tank brackish.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hey paperdog - sorry no one responded quickly - I know nothing about crabs and gobies myself. Too bad the crab didn't make it, that sucks.
With the platy, for a short while feeding goldfish food would be just fine - not sure about the long term effects, tho'. But my guess is that for a few weeks, the goldfish flakes would be okay until you get some other food to either mix in with the flakes or alternate at feeding times (like frozen bloodworms or micropellets).
So after the goby and the goldies go (do you still have the goldies?), you would just have the one platy, right? Or are the guppies coming too? We can get back to helping you with outfitting and stocking the tank well.


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
thanks for responding!! :):):) acctually, after the goldies and goby are gone, there will be nothing, unless I bring my platy to donate (which I probably will). Guppies are kind of out of the picture now, wewere thinking more of platies, otos, corys, and maybe one or two fish that kind of stand out and are a little different looking (which I'm still looking for suggestions on). Hopefully we can get them out in the next week or so.

Do you thnk this plan is good?

Also, are there any fish that anyone can think of that is different looking?

What would be good stocking numbers for the platys, otos, and corys?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
In my experience, platies are just fine eating goldfish flakes. I accidently bought some Omega One goldfish flakes (meant to buy tropical, but was distracted by trying to keep my dog from pulling over to some kids he wanted to say hi to) and opened them before I realized what they were. I asked the LFS if it'd be okay to feed my tropicals goldfish flakes as I had some tiger barbs at the time. They said it's fine, since most of the ingredients are the same anyway.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Yeah, loaches are really interesting (my Pakinstanis - AKA yoyos - are awesome!), and for something mid-top range that's colourful, I second the gourami idea. Dwarf gouramis are beautiful, and their blue colour would make a nice contrast to the yellow/orange/red of most platies.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
In my experience, platies are just fine eating goldfish flakes. I accidently bought some Omega One goldfish flakes (meant to buy tropical, but was distracted by trying to keep my dog from pulling over to some kids he wanted to say hi to) and opened them before I realized what they were. I asked the LFS if it'd be okay to feed my tropicals goldfish flakes as I had some tiger barbs at the time. They said it's fine, since most of the ingredients are the same anyway.
not only that, but the hakari "ornamental baby bites" gold fish food is nearly identical in composition to the betta bites ( I read the packages), and the goldfish one is $3.29 for a 8 oz bag and the betta bites are $11.99 for a 2 oz bag. you know what the betta bites "color enhancer" equals? 4% more ash and 4% less vitamin c. Seriously!


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
awesome, kuhli loaches instead of corys sound really cool! thanks everyone, and the goldfish food will work, so I guess that is really good!!!

So the plan is now: Three platys, three kuhli loaches, three otos, and a Dwarf gourami!! Thanks!!