Fish Med's

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
yes, i have to start off saying Wayne you know what you are talking about dude. The meds that I put in my tank, that you told me not to, know look like someone poured gas in my fish tank, the water is a hazzy purple and there is a film on my water? go figure my fish are still alive. So for treating the fin rot?? I dont know the fish may just have to die. as far as equepment goes skimmer and powerheads are coming soon, so my tank will just have to hold out. I am going to continue to do some mass water changes....

The dotty back is looking now like it has a slight white film on the top of it...

TO DO!!!

3-mass water changes
4-more live rock

hopefully I can get my tank to a good looking and healthy envierment soon. *ALL*

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
Well I hope that will not have to happen. Oh and TRe I had already put the meds in my tank before Wayne made a post. The meds are MelaFix and PimaFix. They say they are safe for fresh and saltwater and reef safe to. All natuaral bla bla bla. and they have you remove carbin or turn of your skimmer when using the medication. We will se what happens. It does say treat for seven days then do a 25% water change... what do you guys think of all this.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
So melafix magically treats bad bacteria but doesn't damage your biofilter, and pimafix fixes fungus and promotes healing, all using unknow natural extracts. What a joke. Well I doubt you did any harm, and when you get a skimmer all this unknown pollution should come out.

In the meantime you had a sick angel and know the dotty has a white film? Still eating? In all honesty I'm guessing they have velvet (should have QT'ed) but it might just be a response to all the meds (which I suspect only work by irritating the fish to produce more slime anyway).

IF it is velvet you need a QT tank FAST (today) and to copper the fish and do a lot of water changes to keep pollution levels down. Once that's done keep the fish in there for at least 6 weeks as the main display is contaminated

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
Well, when I got up today I turned on my lights, and saw that the tank looked evn worse and that my snails seem to be died!I dont know if they are a live right know, just got home from school. And they have not moved at all.( would always move around before) two of the just fell off the LR. The fish are breathing realy heavy? *SICK* ?? I mean the water lookes like someone poured purpe food color into the tank.

I have one question-I will have power heads in a day or two, and a skimmer by the 23-24 of April... Can I start over ort something? save my live rock and do like a 50% water change when I a am ready?? I realy think everything is going to die. even the crabs.. it sux to sit here and whatch it but.. next time after my equiptment I will set up a QT. what should I do for now.

thank you all, for the help.

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
oh and to Wayne no the Angel has still not eatin,

any freekin ideas what I sould do until I get my stuff? I mean I hope when my skimmer gets here I can just set it up and do some mass water changes and everything will start to get beter, but for now...

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
oh and sorry for all the post, but should I take my died snails out or just leave them in there?? and the hermit crabs?? and how do you tell if they are alive?? I think a couple have died? the rest are going(I think), sorry for all the post, and thanx a lot..

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
yes, I am seem to be hearing that a lot, I am going to set one up. Camaro, what if the crabs die dude? this realy does sux, I have no idea why it happend. Do you think I can pull through with a skimmer, powerheads and waterchanges?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
well, even if they all die at some point you will need to get more so i would leave the shells for those new ones.

i think once you get your skimmer, powerheads, and such your life will improve...what all is in that stuff you bought?

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
well, I have bought two maxi-jet pm1,200 and I am waiting for them to come in. And I plan to order the Aqua C remora w/ the maxi jet 1,200!! cant wait. I will try to order the skimmer this weekend at the latest.. I will leave the snails in there. will the boddies just like decompose or something? Or the crabs eat them. well I will let you all know how it goes in a while.

Remora Hang-On w/ Drain Fitting, what is the drain fitting??

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