Fish Things

Sep 19, 2012
Clearwater, Fl
Hello everybody! I just wanted to start a thread for all people to benefit from. BTW sorry for the vague title I didn't know what to call it. Anyways I would like for this thread to be about How many,what kind, and sizes of fish and tanks. As in setups. I would like you to set it up like this. :)

25 -30 gallon tank-Size of tank
Easy- Difficulty
2 mollies-F
1 platy-I
4 tetras-S
1 Gourami-H
(insert side note here)
(If you like you could put in the size of each fish at adulthood Next to the fish name)

Things to put in side note-
Live plants?
Amount of plants?
dense or scarce?
Pushing bioload?
gravel or sand?
What to feed?



Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
The problems with "experience" is every ones is different - LOL! Experience is very individualized as are the conditions they introduce the fish into. I have serpaes, angels and a betta in the same community tank and they all have their finnage and have been there for a couple of years, but it might not work for the next person that tries it. I think since I have been on this forum, I've heard people have aggression problems with even fish most would think were very peaceful because there are always exceptions. I believe even Kerry has a couple of feeder goldfish living with his water dogs (Oscars) that have survived. is as good as any site to at least get a heads up at what might not work and then reading about each individual fish before you buy it. Always having an "escape" plan when you introduce a new fish - and keep it under close observation for the first couple of days.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello everybody! I just wanted to start a thread for all people to benefit from. BTW sorry for the vague title I didn't know what to call it. Anyways I would like for this thread to be about How many,what kind, and sizes of fish and tanks. As in setups. I would like you to set it up like this. :)

25 -30 gallon tank-Size of tank
Easy- Difficulty
2 mollies-F
1 platy-I
4 tetras-S
1 Gourami-H
(insert side note here)
(If you like you could put in the size of each fish at adulthood Next to the fish name)

Things to put in side note-
Live plants?
Amount of plants?
dense or scarce?
Pushing bioload?
gravel or sand?
What to feed?

Hello; I imagine that you knew what is meant by the lists in your post. Sorry but I could not make it out for sure.

Perhaps you could do some thorough computer searches about the things you want listed. There also have been several books published over time. Books were one of my few ways to get outside information for a time. You could then summarize your understanding of what you find in a more complete listing with personal annotations and comments. Then we on the forum could critique your labors and either endorse the comments or point out any flaws based on our understanding of fish keeping and personal experience.

Feb 27, 2009
Hello everybody! I just wanted to start a thread for all people to benefit from. BTW sorry for the vague title I didn't know what to call it. Anyways I would like for this thread to be about How many,what kind, and sizes of fish and tanks. As in setups. I would like you to set it up like this. :)

25 -30 gallon tank-Size of tank
Easy- Difficulty
2 mollies-F
1 platy-I
4 tetras-S
1 Gourami-H
(insert side note here)
(If you like you could put in the size of each fish at adulthood Next to the fish name)

Things to put in side note-
Live plants?
Amount of plants?
dense or scarce?
Pushing bioload?
gravel or sand?
What to feed?


I still don't understand what is so confusing about it...
I'm sorry, Omnominator, I've read and re-read your first post here, and still do not understand what it is you'd like folks to do. List their size tank, and what fish/deco they have, and what they are feeding? Just a guess....My answers for a tank are below underlined...

I have a 40 gallon tank
Easy- Difficulty (not sure what this would mean - with proper care, tanks are easy...some setups may require more work than others)
22 Boraras brigittae - 0.75 inch long
12 Otocinclus cocama 1.5 inch long
3 Badis badis 2 inch long

(insert side note here)
(If you like you could put in the size of each fish at adulthood Next to the fish name)

Things to put in side note-
Live plants? Yes
Amount of plants? A lot
dense or scarce? not sure what this is...dense or scare plants? dense or scare fish load?
Pushing bioload? My tank does not push the biolod
gravel or sand? Neither (Flourite, I guess you could say it is a type of gravel)
Light? Yes, 96watts
Temp? 76degrees F
What to feed? I feed many different kinds of food (live, frozen, freeze dried, pellet) and do not need advice of what to feed.

Last edited:


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
There is a book available "Simple Guide to Freshwater Aquariums" by David E. Boruchowitz. I am sure it is at the library but I know you can get it on Amazon used also. It would answer all your questions. It contains all sorts of stocking schemes for beginners plus a lot of good information. My biggest suggestion to a beginner is to get at least a 16 - 20 gallon tank. It is easier to take care of and you have more stocking options. Then go to your LFS and simply observe, come home and make a list of what you think you would like and research each fish on line and then ask on the forum what others think of your plan.

Feb 27, 2009
Not necessarily what you have, but what are good setups for newbie like me that want to upgrade.
I'm sorry I didn't understand what it is you wanted to accomplish, Omnominator. Any set-up is a good set-up for a 'newbie' as long as you don't use a small tank and do not overstock. I would recommend 15-20 gallons as a first tank, and to stay away from fish that are sensitive to water parameter fluctuations or are very territorial.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
I did not think that it would be so difficult to.....................nvm
Hello; It is not very difficult to do it wrong, but there is a lot to find out about. It takes years to get a decent knowledge of the hobby. The pattern I have observed when many people start keeping fish is that most quit after a year or so. If you choose to stay in the hobby there will be a bit of a difficult learning curve for quite a while.

There are too many variations in setups and types of fish to stock for others to tell you what to get. Much will depend on your personal likes. The book suggested could well be a good place to start. Once you can indicate the sort of setup you are interested in having, then perhaps people on the forum can be of more help.


Superstar Fish
I kinda got the feeling you were looking to make a type of guide. Its hard to do really without being very very vague due to all the possibilities which are almost endless to say the least. A rough guide might be a good idea but it would have to be very basic and noted that its like a rough draft that needs tweaking. I bet if you sat down and started to put somethings to gather you might have something.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Well, like, if I was setting up a first-time tank for someone, I might suggest something like the following:
15-20g tank (totally agree with OC that this is a good size for a beginner - smaller tanks are actually more sensitive), heater, HOB filter, gravel substrate, a few low-light hardy plants like anubias, java ferns and vallisneria, and some platies, tetras/rasboras and cories. Bang. Nice tank. Of course cycle it first, have your own liquid test kit, know how to do water changes and tank maintenance, and know how to feed appropriately.
Is this kinda what you are looking for?