I have a great nudi that came in on a soft coral, he is wicked cool and eats soft corals, but he is leaving all my softies alone except my pulsing xenia which he maintains to the point where they dont overgrow everything but he doesnt decimate them either which is great, plus he looks wicked cool
dang, i need one of those...lol...xenia was, i think, the worst reef keeping decision ive ever made...cool to watch, until you have to start hacking them out cause they spread like weeds...maybe i shouldve goten an encrusting variety...hmm
Sorry I looked and can't find the artical a was refering to. I believe I recall that you would dip in FW of same temp and ph for about 60sec(for rock with no corals) and about 30sec(for rock with coral) while you dip give it a little shake and then put into another bucket of fresh Saltwater (same temp and ph) and give it a quick blast with a power head to blow off the little buggers that did not fall off in the FW.Then return them to the tank. It is still risky though so if you plan to do the DIP I would really recomened finding out as much info on this subgect first and then if you feel comfortable go ahead. trial and error, hopfully without the error!