Alright sooo... Its been forever, but after the move, i'm restarting my fisherings. Up now is the Fluval Edge 6g Nano fish tank. Information is as follows:
*Note* There are two wild bettas (calm community type) housed in tank, not whiteseam bettas, however they are not on AqAdvisor, therefore the stocking level is lower that 90% in reality
1 Marimo ball (Japanese Moss Ball)
1 Java Fern
~ Plastic Plants (will slowly be replaced)
Shrimp Dirt Substrate (for live plants, shrimp, and Kuhli)
*Note* There are two wild bettas (calm community type) housed in tank, not whiteseam bettas, however they are not on AqAdvisor, therefore the stocking level is lower that 90% in reality
1 Marimo ball (Japanese Moss Ball)
1 Java Fern
~ Plastic Plants (will slowly be replaced)
Shrimp Dirt Substrate (for live plants, shrimp, and Kuhli)