For those who were waiting...


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
I worry about mine not getting enough to eat as well, but as long as they are getting some food they will be ok. You can try target feeding the apisto's to help them get more.
Trust me, I'm trying. Not much makes it through the swarms above, though, and the loaches hunt down pretty much everything that does.

But, if I can distract them all and THEN drop in some targeted foods, I'm finding a bit of success...

I'm also a little worried about one of my yellow rainbows - he's definitely still a juve and the smallest of my five rainbows, and he seems a little confused by the whole eating thing...for instance, he'll go after something and completely whiff on it, or hit it and then get scared off because it bumped his nose. He manages to get enough food, though, I think...