Frag question

War Eagle

Small Fish
Sep 5, 2008
Cumming, Georgia
Some qick info: I have a 12 gal nano cube with two chromis a bar goby and a coral banded shrimp. I have about 10 lbs of live rock. One frag with 10 polyps and several very small feather dusters and a new frag that brings this question. And please don't hammer me about pics, I'm working on getting some things uploaded to snapfish so I can post them (I promise to have them this week). Anyway, my new frag ( I can't remember what the LFS guy said it was) has a hard stoney base shaped like a funnel with what looks like an anenome comming out the top (neon green tips). Can anyone tell me what it is? General name, LPS, SPS... ? Regarless of what it is my actual question is how do I attach it to my LR? Like I said the stoney part is shaped like a funnel with the bottom being about 1/2 inch around and the top being about 1 1/2 in ch accross. Do I just put a blob of aquarium silicone on the bottom and plop it where I want it? Will the silicine setup that way? Is it not toxic to the tank?

Thanks for your help and again I promise pics will come very soon.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
WAIT, before you go glueing this frag to the rock you need to properly identify it so that you place it in the right area of your tank. From what you have stated it sounds like either a branching torch or maybe a duncan whisker coral. Both of these have very different needs and so you need to find out what it is. Go out on the internet and research it......then let us know what it is.

War Eagle

Small Fish
Sep 5, 2008
Cumming, Georgia
I think my frag would either be the Branching Torch or a Frogspawn. The pics are of well developed corals and mine is just a small frag so it's kinda hard to tell. But reading about the Branching Torch makes me think this is what I have. I curretnly have it in a pretty swift current and it does react like the article said. I also have it isolated at the top of my tank. I just installed a new 28 watt 10K 50/50 bulb. It seems to like it there, it opened up (not fully) within an hour of geting it home. My polys expessially like the new light. I have been concerned about them since I got them home. They just sat and did nothing. After installing the new bulb and the new frag I moved them down to the middle of the tank. The following morning they were standing tall and looking like they did when I saw them at the LFS.

I will get some pics up tonight. Assuming it is the BT, do you think the placement in the tank is OK? Will it eat DTs?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
You don't need to supplement feed this coral as it will get what it wants from the water column, you may feed it bits of mysis or meaty food occasionally. Torch and other euphyllia corals don't like excessive flow as it beats their polyps on the rock.....placed where the polyps will gently sway in the flow is best and if you only have a 28w light you may want to place it high in the tank......good luck...

War Eagle

Small Fish
Sep 5, 2008
Cumming, Georgia
OK So I'm really concerned about putting Super GLue in my tank. I have Super Glue Control Gel that I just bought to use on a pine wood derby car (brownie scounts - good times) is that OK to use? I just put a big blob on the bottom of the stoney frag and hold it in place for a few seconds?

War Eagle

Small Fish
Sep 5, 2008
Cumming, Georgia
Alright, good or bad, better or worse, live or die, I did it. Ihave him sitting high out of the high flow areas. I hope he's happy there. I almost glued myself and a hermit crab to it.

Now to work on some pics. I'm going to setup a snapfish account. Any advice on how post that them? Insert a link to snapfish or insert the photo?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I managed to see your pictures, but only because I have a Snapfish account. I don't think it allows hot-linking (where the picture shows up in your post on MFT).

It does look like it's a torch coral, but it doesn't look fully extended in those pictures. Give it a few days, and it should be fine. :)


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Can't see any pictures without a snapfish account. Personally I'd recommend Webshots. It's free and easy to post pictures, embed slide shows, etd.
Definitely keep it out of high flow areas. Mine does best in a slow flow area where it fully extends out:

Keep it away from other corals too it will send out sweepers and sting anything near by at night.