Free to LARGE TANK, in Lincoln, NE area...


Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
Okay, I know i should put this in the buy/sell/trade area, but this fish pertains to cichlid enthusiasts only.

Now, before I get the well-needed lecture on why not to mix S.A. and African Cichlids (I had a moment of stupidity), I saw this fish for sale a few months back and it did not dawn on me it wasn't mbuna. The body shape alone should have told me otherwise.

Also--some info on this guy's personality. He is a bully, a jerk, a bastard-fish that will bite you the minute you stick your hand in the tank. He is one of the coolest fish I have ever owned, but due to my lack of research, and tank space, cannot keep. He will fight with anybody (he is always fighting with my mbuna's, who are ALL bullies...), he will glare at you from his 'spot' in the tank, and seemingly plot your death. He patrols anybody and everybody in the room....stares at you until you're scared. (he's a scary fish, I'd be scared to meet him in an alley...)

He has a HUGE MOUTH that will soon be FULL of teeth.

He likes to eat. A LOT.

He will be HUGE when full grown, so he needs a LARGE tank where he can be the sole inhabitant, or with other S.A. Cichlids of similar size, when he is full grown.

I suggest you DO YOUR RESEARCH before you decide to take him away from me!

He's a managuense, he will be a FOOT long, he is a FAST SWIMMER who splashes the crap out of you at feeding time. (Watch your hands though! He DOES bite!!!)

As of right now, he is between 4-5 inches in length, and is camera shy. The minute I came to the tank with the camera, the little brat hid. He's usually in the front of the tank, being a jerk.

Here are a few pictures, and if you are up to the challenge, PM me, or better yet, shoot me an email (, and we can arrange a time for pick up or delivery.

I call him Pookie.

I apologize for the algae, he makes me afraid to stick my hand in the tank.


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Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
Yeah, he's my guard-fish. He's an intimidating guy, quite a charachter, super interesting, but I don't want him to rip my PERFECT mbuna's to shreds. It took me FOREVER to scope out all my my mbuna's, and now, one of my yellow labs, and an orange zebra took a beating from him, and will need to be QT'd to well, grow their fins back....poor little guys..

I forgot to mention---he's a FAST GROWING FISH, so he's going to need to go into AT LEAST a 30-40 gal tank, and even then, will need to be moved to a 55 within 2-3 months.


Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
Here are a few more pictures of POOKIE.

Oh---and due to my overgrowth of algae, his colors do not show true in these pictures...or maybe it's because my light in that tank needs to be replaced. He is a shimmery white with black spots, and when the lighting is good, he shimmers from blue to purple on the white areas of his body. His eyes are also red. He changes color due to his moods too, it seems. If he's feisty, he is very bright white and the black markings are distinct. If you click the lights on too fast and startle them, he looks almost all black till he figures out what is going on.

His face is HUGE when he tries to intimidate you. He poofs it out all weird, and glares.

Aww, so cute, so CUDDLY, TAKE HIM HOME TODAY!!!


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Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
i'm a big fan of these big central american cichlids, and i'd love to take him of your hands, but unfortunately i dont a space 100g tank lying around, i also live on the other side of the pond ;)

Jan 20, 2005
Visit site
Oh, I would love to take him! He would be put in his place in my tank! I have a "forbidden" S.A. / African mixed tank. K would show him who's the boss. K is my "bully, jerk, bastard-fish that will bite you the minute you stick your hand in the tank" Red Zebra. He's the one in the <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"Mexican Stand-off." I just don't think I'll be able to make a road trip any time soon.

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Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ha ha Jim, If you think K would stand up to a managuense for more than 2 or 3 seconds, you are kidding me. He would rate as 'snack material' for a 6 inch one, let alone a 15 inch monster.
Managuense are the absolute creme de la creme of cichlids


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
I think your "he" might be a she. I had a breeding pair once and they produced zillions of fry! They are truly incredible fish! I was at the LFS yesterday and they had a breeding pair. I'm thinking about trading in all my cichlids for this pair.

FYI, if anyone gets this fish, or keeps a Jaguar, you need at least 75g for one, and 100g for a pair, as they grow extremely fast. No other fish (maybe a big pleco)!!! Their growth rate from 2" to 12" is about a year with a good diet.


Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
MOM. Pookie is NOT a guppy on steroids!!! You don't live with him!!! lol, he's never jumped outta the tank and visciously attacked you!

My labs cower behind things to hide from him/her....

My big blue socolofi fights with him/her all the time!!!
