German rams

Dec 23, 2005
you could add your mollies with them and all of the small peaceful schooling fish would go excellent with them. They need really good water quality with low nitrate. Water changes are a must for the german rams.


Large Fish
Sep 25, 2005
New York, US
I would do a fishless cycle, then add all the fish at once. Thats what, i did, and i didnt hurt one fish, and never saw ammonia or nitrites with the fish.

I would get anything else on the floor level with those rams in a small tank like that. When they spawn, they get aggressive and will probably kill the ADF. So IMO, get:

5/6 Bloodfin tetras
Pair of Rams
3 otos

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
The dominate of either sex could harass the other the ram. Love fish probably has the best Idea with the fishless cycle if you want to do that.

I would let the tank run for several days, at least 2-3 days, making sure all equipment is working properally and allowing the water to get to the right temp and so on.

I would then add the bloodfins and let them do there thing to cycle the tank. Then probably after a couple of WEEKS if you bloodfins are in good health then I would add the ADF(I dont know how senstive they are but they are cheaper then the Rams) after those have been in that for a while and the biological filtration has been built up then I would add the Rams but those are for the last. And remember you have to keep up on your water changes. Oh and the otos should go after the frogs but before the rams.

Remember going slow is the key. What type of filtration are you going to have on the tank?

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Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
The tanks themselves are good tanks but the some of the equipment is questionable. The main thing I dont like about them is the filters that are included. They have the disposable filter pads which you basically throw away some of the benifical baterica in your tank and it has to repopulate on the new pad every time you clean the filter. Not saying that they dont work but that is really the only negative to them.

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
You can keep it and it should work fine I just wanted to bring it up if there was a probably with nitrite or ammonia spikes and you couldnt figure it out. But there is bacteria all over the tank in the gravel that should help take over. Just search the threads here and find out more information on wal-mart filters. There are a lot of people bashing the filter just because they are wal-mart but the work fine for the most part.