May 14, 2006
Right now I have 2 clown fish in my 46 gallon and had them for 2 weeks. The water perimiters are all 0 and I am going to buy a new fish. I need some help picking one out and I have my eyes on a blue tang. Would this be a good choice and what does it eat. Please tell me of other good fish


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
i knwo someone who keeps a blue tang in his tank and its been there for a few years. happy critter but picks on his fish.

whatever you do avoid wrasses...heard to many stories of them killing clowns and other fish.

if i were you i would look into a scooter blenny or coral beauty dwarf angel. thier quit beautiful.


Large Fish
Sep 18, 2006
rolla, missouri
It's ok to have just a couple fish in a tank...just add more decorations and stuff. They'd be happier that way. You could always just another clown... what about a small yellow....I know this...butterfly?


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
it shouldnt be so much about what looks pretty and good to you; as what is best for the fish. bigger fish and smaller fish dont mix very well, and your tank isnt exactly big enough to accomdate many big fish.

Marine Compatability Chart you can get some ideas from here...but id try to stick with a dwarf angel. any other fish needs more room than a 46g


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
well tangs get pretty big and like i said their pretty active ...
ya great a 46 gallon with 3 small fish????????
who said only 3 fish???all you asked was for help on picking out your next fish if you dont want a goby or a blenny what about a couple of bangia cardinals or a firefish ;)

Sep 12, 2006
Algonquin, IL
tangs will outgrow your 46 gallon. they might be ok now, but they need more room to swim. and you can definately get more than 3 fish. you just asked what your next fish should be. we're trying to help. um yea, people with no saltwater tanks are allowed to give advice about them, so chill. compatability means they won't eat eachother, it doesn't mean it can go in your tank. size is a big deal for saltwater fish. i know your live rock wouldn't be suitable for a mandarin, so don't try to get one of those. you could probably get a pair of firefish, they are colorful. you could also try a dwarf angel, they come in lots of different colors and are very bright. or you could look at a pair of cardinals. maybe a wrasse. maybe some type of goby. you have plenty of options, just cuz someone says you can't get a tang doesnt mean your stuck with clowns forever. and take this advice, do not get a tang. even if your lfs says its ok, they just want to sell you the fish and make money off you. think whats best for the fish.

Sep 12, 2006
Algonquin, IL
yea, and there are plenty of people who think they can keep sharks in a 125 gallon. even if people do it, it's not good for the fish. think of the size of the tank, and then think of the ocean. i go snorkeling alot and here is something i've noticed. tangs and the larger fish travel ALOT. they never stay within a 46 gallon area. that is why they need at least 75 gallons or more. clowns and gobies and such, on the other hand are territorial, and stay in their domain. for their size, a 46 gallon tank will suit them. just think about how you always see the tang swimming back and forth. then how you see gobies just sitting or clowns swimming in place. just use common judgement, and if you don't have that take our advice, don't get a tang. honestly, my parents want a tang for my tank, and i let them think they were getting one, but eventually i had to tell them there is no way i am putting one in my tank.

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
Alright dude if you wanted active fish you should get a bigger tank many people put tangs in smaller tanks and think they're doing alright but think about the fish the tang wont be happy but smaller active fish like Chromis are cool they school and are really active I've got 3 and they are so fun to watch swim around the live rock. Just stay away from tangs unless your tanks like a 75g or bigger


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2006
Lotus said:
Some people choose to do research before they set up a saltwater tank :)
Lotus is right, I agree with the rest of the people here too. Tha tang will need room to swim. Have you ever thought about a sea horse? They are expensive, but very nice to watch. What about a coral beauty?


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
joeyjoeq said:
Tha tang will need room to swim. Have you ever thought about a sea horse? They are expensive, but very nice to watch.
Yeah, except they do best in a species only tank. They are slow eaters and most fish will eat all the food before they have a chance to eat.

If you want a fish that is a bit larger and active and colorful I think that you should try a Dwarf Angel. I had a Bicolor for a while and he was awesome. Maybe a Flameback?Or a Keyhole (we have one at work and hes all over the tank)? Lamarcks are nice too. There a so many. :p


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
joeyjoeq said:
Lotus is right, I agree with the rest of the people here too. Have you ever thought about a sea horse? They are expensive, but very nice to watch.
terrible choice for a beginer very difficult to care for *crazysmil
I think that you should try a Dwarf Angel
not sure why but i seem to have very bad luck with angels :(


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yeah firefish are pretty cool and pretty cheap too and for the blenny i plan on gettin one of these

bangia cardinals a nice too if your lucky enough to get a male/femal pair they mate pretty easily
just a thought

i just got a watchman goby/pistol shrimp pair that are pretty cool aswell

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