I have a 20 gallon tank with live plants. There are 4 Ghost Shrimp. The other inhabitants are 9 Glo-Light Tetras, 2 Glass Catfish, 2 Cory Cats, and 2 Mystery Snails.
Yes, I do know that I need to get liquid test strips, I just haven't been able to afford them yet. I may have to put them on my Christmas list...LOL
As far as water changes: I up-sized from a 10 gallon to a 20 gallon tank about three weeks ago, so every few days I have been adding water. Yesterday was the first day that the tank was actually full. With my 10 gallon tank, I did 20% water changes once a week. With this tank, I am thinking I may have to do 10% water changes weekly.
My Ghost Shrimp do like to sit on the tops of plants and the caves.
I think I've answered everyone's questions except the question about the ammonia level. I don't know the answer.