Well, now I'm pretty sure where I got my Ich. I bought some Juli Corys from Petco and bam...Ich. When I removed my Snails to treat the tank, I unknowingly spread the disease. Is there anything I can dip my nets in after sticking them in a diseased tank to at least keep them from being a carrier? Also, if there are no fish in the tank can the disease survive? If I move them all to a hospital tank temporarily and crank up the temp will the parasite starve itself out? Usually, is it just considered the cost of treatment to lose the inverts in a diseased tank? Otherwise how would you treat it? Remove the inverts and spread the disease on them and/or the net according to most sources. Remove them to an empty tank? This ticks me off as I had saved some money for 2 Keyhole Cichlids and now that's (and more) been spent on medication.
Yeah, I miss him too. However, I've got some Godzilla juniors I think. I'm pretty sure the 'Ghost Shrimp' that I buy at Plano Pets are same as him. I got some babies for the fry tank and they are now getting kinda big with the same markings as....the monster. I looked yesterday in the shrimp tank at PP and it was the same markings there. Of course, they sell them as feeders. I want something to clean the tank, not the fish!
Seriously, you should have seen the look on the Petco guy's face when he saw the shrimp.