Golden Barb with red mouth????


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Unless you know your actual readings, it's hard to know that the problem isn't with your water. Poor water quality makes fish more susceptible to getting a disease and more prone to dying from it. The number one best thing we can do to prevent disease-related fish deaths in maintain pristine water conditions. Just sayin'.

Feb 27, 2009
Six barbs/tetras and a pleco in 10 gallons of water could be considered overstocked, and more water changes would be necessary to keep the tank healthy. Do you know the type of pleco you have? They produce a lot of waste for their size, and some species grow HUGE (measured in feet instead of inches).


Small Fish
Apr 24, 2013
Six barbs/tetras and a pleco in 10 gallons of water could be considered overstocked, and more water changes would be necessary to keep the tank healthy. Do you know the type of pleco you have? They produce a lot of waste for their size, and some species grow HUGE (measured in feet instead of inches).

I do a 25% water change every other day. I don't know the exact name of the pleco buy I know he is the kind that does get large. It's the spotted one...


Small Fish
Apr 24, 2013
Unless you know your actual readings, it's hard to know that the problem isn't with your water. Poor water quality makes fish more susceptible to getting a disease and more prone to dying from it. The number one best thing we can do to prevent disease-related fish deaths in maintain pristine water conditions. Just sayin'.
I would agree with you to an extent, but in this particular case, given the fact that the fish was sick from the time I brought him home, and my other fish are perfectly fine, and were doing fine before adding the two barbs that are now dead, I am certain the problem is not with my water. If it was affecting all of the fish, I could understand the thinking that it would be the water...but they are all fine. These particular two fish had to be sick from the pet store...they are the only two that were affected by all of this.