Golden Wonder Killi


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Wondering if anyone keeps them or has information. I've done some research, but found lots of conflicting info.
Do they like soft, acidic water? And are they aggressive to other fish? Some sites say yes, others peaceful.

They sell them at a lfs near me and everytime I go I find myself lingering near their tank...............:)


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
I have kept them up until just ercently whenmy last one lept to this dry crusty demise.

These are really beautiful fish, even in hard water like I kept them in. My only suggestion concerning tehse fish are to either keep groups of males with no females, or keep a single male with several females. Males do fight with each other, and my dominant male even tried to eat my otos and shrimp.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Well I got 3 golden wonders for my 37 cube on Monday. It took a few days before they got comfortable and started to show their personality, but now they are really cool. It's fun to watch them eat. They seem to be getting along fine with everyone else so far.


Feb 6, 2006
Golden Wonder Killi sex

How do you tell if the Golden Wonder Killi is male or female? I saw some information saying not to keep males together, but only after I had bought 2 of these beauties. I have one that is a true gold and one that is more white.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Males are larger and more colorful and have elongated fins. I think I ended up with 3 males as they all are brightly colored and look exactly the same. I may have a recipe for disaster since I've had to move them into a 10gal as my 37gal now houses 3 F8 puffers. I really like them and my plan is to get a bigger tank down the road - they seem ok for now, no aggression toward each other, but one did eat a guppy. They don't bother the other fish they are with either. I have double filtration on this tank since I had an extra filter laying around.

Is anyone going to tell me this is a seriously bad idea?


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Brack-Man said:
Actually Limi, they should have been fine with your F8's. Mine are in the tank with my GSP and they all get along with each other. My killies stay mostly at the top of the tank and my GSP swims the rest of it, havent had any fin nipping incidents yet or any other kinds of mishaps
Hmmm...I may try that, but not for a while yet. My F8's are itty bitty babies and those killies have BIG mouths. Don't want to risk it. Especially since I saw the killi eat a guppy.

Also - most of the things I've read on the internet say they like soft water - Brackish is OK? My F8 tank isn't technically brackish yet, but will be.

My water params are ph 8.0-8.1 range and fairly hard (when I did the hardness test last, about a week ago it was in the 7-8 range,if I counted right,lol) and sg is at 1.014+/- and my killies colors are beautiful, and they are very active and aggressive eaters,mine seem to prefer meal worms and super worms, and everything I had been able to find on them, which isnt much, pretty much contradicts each other. But I asked one of the lfs that I have come to trust lately (and who happens to be breeding them:D ) and the owner told me that they are quite adaptable to most any water conditions.*thumbsups

I have got to get my hopme computer back up and running so I can post pictures of my tanks:eek:

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Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
I bought 4 golden wonder killies last Saturday. They're in my planted 46g with my rainbows/clown loaches/danios and just sit at the top. They are small (less than 2") and have little color. They swim around, but only once since Saturday have I seen one of them swim down from the top. I figured I'd give them a shot at only 2.99 a piece. My water is HARD and alkaline, so we'll see (ph=8.0-8.1, Hardness=14).


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Osiris said:
They look just like my yellow panchax. Are they the same fish/different name or a different type completely?
Sorry, didn't see this until's probably the same fish. They are sometimes called golden/yellow panchax.

Hyunelan2 - Mine were very pale and inactive for about 3 days, then after that they got really colorful and started swimming around. I've actually just moved them to the 37tall brackish tank with my mono, scat and orange chromide. The SG only about 1.005 right now. Since it's working for Brack-Man I thought I would try it. I didn't want to put them with my F8's.
I took down the 10gal they were in because I am converting it into something else. More to come on that subject later :)

A word of warning.....if you ever need to take them out of the tank for any reason and put them in a bucket or other container....make sure you cover it! These guys are jumping machines. I had the bucket on the floor right in front of me and one jumped out and smacked me in the chest and fell in my lap. He seems to be ok, but if I wasn't right there he might have ended up a cat treat :eek:


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
All these posts I'm reading keep saying how big of jumpers they are. I'm considering moving them out to my 25g with the Eclipse hood on it, since my 46 has an opening where the filter intake/exhaust/biowheels are. We'll see - if they get active and I like them, they'll probably stay put, as I watch the 46 more than the 25, due to it being located in the livingroom.


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
Ok, these fish are crazy. I just did my weekly 20% water change during my lunchbreak. The 4 killies would not stop trying to eat me. They would circle my hand on the siphon and kept attacking it. Eventually I just held the thing by the hose so they would leave me alone (not like it hurt, but it was getting annoying). One even jumped up from the water to hit my hand. Goofy fish. They haven't even so much as looked at any of the other fish in the tank. 2 of them are starting to show the gold color now, while the other 2 are still plain silver/gray.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I could stick my finger in the tank and actually touch their backs and they didn't care and wouldn't move....most fish would be startled and swim away. I agree that they are goofy fish :) Have you fed them yet? It's fun. I had to distract them in order to throw in shrimp pellets for the cories or else they eat everything in sight.


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
Yea they eat - but the have no chance to hog all the food. Rainbows are much more aggressive eaters. I usually get wet when I drop in food because the rainbows charge the surface and 'attack'. My killies so far seem excited to eat, but by no means are they eating everything in site. I think you've had yours a little longer than me so far (I got mine on Saturday).

try feeding them live food, such as small crickets or meal worms and see what kind of frenzie they go into. Mine will pull crickets apart when they fall into the water when I'm feeding my archers, and they seem to love meal worms. My killies do tend to sit at the top most of the time, I have some floating plants at one end of tank that they seem to like , but they do venture out through the rets of the tank at times as well