good amount of inhabitants?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Here's what I think the best way to handle the situation is:

1. Acclimate the livestock to your tank when you get them. Do daily water changes to keep the ammonia as close to zero as you can. You may even need to do water changes twice a day. So, make up plenty of saltwater (it needs to mix for at least 4 hours outside the tank with a powerhead before you add it). A little Amquel may help keep things in check, but don't rely on it solely.

2. When the live rock arrives, cure it in a bucket (or large rubbermaid) with saltwater and powerheads. Do not add it to the tank until ammonia and nitrites are at zero. Live rock, once it has been out of water, becomes uncured. It needs to be recured before adding it to a tank with inhabitants. Even though you bought it as cured, it won't be safe to add to your tank for a week or so.

Feb 22, 2008
the livestock will die quite quickly, there will be an ammonia spike which will kill them all.

My tank has been cycled for about 5 months now, I still don't have any fish, just inverts. You have to be very(!) patient.
Maybe not as patient as me but wait or you'l keep killing stuff and lose money, then you might lose interest alltogether.

I don't mean to have a go but theres a lot to learn mate dont just jump in. learn from your mistakes too!

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
You never know what'll happen. Some things might make it through the cycle but setting up a cheap tank would probably be your best most cost effective way of doing it. You'll learn as you go... Sometimes the learning curve can be expensive.

Apr 17, 2008
yea i got a like tub that i will fill with water and salt to put the LR to cure and cycle

PS. when my clownfish gets by my banded coral shrimp it the shrimp acts hostile and tryes to pich it is this a problem?!?


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Do you have any local fish stores you could take the livestock to? You don't have that much money invested in them maybe get some store credit or if they're nice and have room be a babysitter for them while you cycle your tank properly.