Good Community fish for a 15 Gallon Freshwater


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
I have lucky bamboo in my 10 gallon, it's not real bamboo but it sure looks like it. I believe it is related to grass or something, I have most of the leaves poking out of the water.
Just a warning- 5/7 of mine died randomly. So keep most of the leaves out of the water and they should fair well. the 5 that died got some random stinky cloudy fungus thing on them so I threw them out. Just a warning.


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Just a quick update and a few questions.

All right, I just got a piece of fake tree root for the betta tank and some corkscrew vallis in attempt to make it look somewhat oriental looking. I moved all the other plants into my 15 gallon including this little plastic cave and an oyster shell thingy. I got 3 black skirt tetras, so I currently have 7 neon tetras, 3 black skirt tetras, 3 otos, and 2 ghost shrimp. I am wondering what else people think I should put in there. Thanks!

I'll post pics tommorrow hopefully. :)


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Here are some pictures. The first one is just a full tank picture of the fifteen gallon. the second and third ones are just side views. I have a big 'jungle/bush' of hornwort on the side, do you think I should spread it out more to give more swimming space? Also, does any one have any suggestinons on what else to stock with the 3 black skirts tetras, 7 neon tetras, 3otos, and 2 ghost shrimp?

The fourth fifth and sixth ones are the bettas new setup. (continues on next post)


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Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
55g minimum for two fully grown angels would be my gut. Really mature angels can have a body size at least 3 inches, plus their fin spread would make them 6 inches plus. My 39g soon won't be big enough for the breeding pair I have now who are less than 2/3rds the size fully grown angels will become. Insert sad heart for lauraf, who must part with at least one of these beauties at some point.
You could keep less mature angels in a smaller tank - I wouldn't recommend less than a 25g - but have to be prepared to find a new home for them soon.
And paperdog, I just didn't have any good advice to offer you about your previous question.

Apr 29, 2010
My 15 gallon tank

We have a 15 gallon tank we just stocked with 8 mollies, 1 beta and a plecostomus. We previously had our last goldfish die after 5 years. We reconditioned the tank system, water tested- ph level fine. Is this too many fish for our tank and how many should we expect may die?

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
This is way too many fish. A pleco belongs in at least a 55 gallon tank. I would move the betta to at least a 3 to 5 gallon tank by itself as mollies are sometimes way too aggressive to be with a betta. Also, the water is likely very dirty with a huge pleco and 8 mollies (which are poop machines) and your betta will suffer from poor water conditions, especially if your tank is not cycled.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Lauraf: Interesting story...I have a male molly that grew from 1 inch to 3.5 inches in one month. He is the meanest fellow. He even bosses my serpaes around. He grew very quickly, and in my experience with raising 40 mollies to maturity, they grow very fast. Also, they become more aggressive as they age.