Got a spawn!


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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Finally, my blue half moon betta, Bu, got a spawn a few weeks ago.
This time seems so hard to get them breed. I've tried 3 females before Bu finds the mate he likes. So, who's the bride? The bride is one of Casper's daugher. (Cas is my avatar)

The fry are 3 weeks old now. The biggest fry is huge! Looks like a 4+ week old fry.
It's really hard to resist the temptation of overfeeding!! bad bad mcshell bad mcshell. I must have fed too much, and about 4 of the fry are having swim bladder disorder.

I'm starting to see blue strips on the fry's bodies; and I could see some of them have both ventral fins! :D:D
So looks like this time I did a better job in preparing a clean tank for them. (My last spawn, only 1 fry has both ventrals; most have none and some only has one.)

I think this time I have ~40+, but still haven't done an exact count... didn't want to get disappointed!!

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Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Congrats! I have only about 40 fry left from my Nova/Trinity CT spawn. Just like you, I have 1 dominant fry thats about 3 times larger that the smallest. I think she/he even ate a few of her tankmates.

Ya, overfeeding is an easy thing to do with new fry. Switch to microworms (instead of bbs) for a few days, it usually helps clear things up.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Send me a PM, I am betting you did the same thing as I did after the spawn, so lets compare notes there.

Yes, my larger fry ate (or chewed on) some smaller fry. If you want a bigger spawn, put the large one in a breeder net, otherwise she/he will thin out your numbers for you.


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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The fry are almost 5 weeks old now.
The biggest one is almost 1.7 cm, while the smallest one is ~0.6 cm! Avg size is ~ 1.2 cm.
I separated the smaller fry with the bigger ones. The bigger ones now are able to eat some small adult brine shrimp.

Have ~ 35 fry left.

pictures are coming!


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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The fry are almost 7 weeks now.
Biggy (I named the biggest fry biggy) is still big. S/He is ~ 2.5 cm.
The fry are showing blue color on their fins. Some of them have fins with blue at the outter area and red in the inner area.

The tiny ones are around 1 cm still, and still having microworms in a separate tank.
The bigger ones are now having frozen brine shrimp. It's funny to watch 2 fry fighting for a brine shrimp! Sometimes after biggy finish his/hers, s/he would nip another fry so that the other fry would drop the brine shrimp, and then s/he will then rob its food! The smaller ones are now smarter and they'll take the shrimp and hide.

~ 30 fry left

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Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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The fry is now 53 days old. I still can't tell if they're boys or girls yet. Some bigger ones already learn how to be nasty; they have started nipping / chasing after some smaller ones... all these actions are still gentle though.
Got some updated pictures:

biggy and the smaller fry



Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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Hey theeyrietrainer, haven't seen you for a while!
Yeah, I think the red was from Cas's daugher.
The daugher doesn't have any red though. Although some of her sisters are still having red fins and white body.
If you still remember Rudolph, Cas's son, he's almost all red except the head now (see attached)

Another son is having less red. Just a bit red in the body and tail.

Cas should be proud of his children and grand children...


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