Got my LR, now what?


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
north carolina asheville area
its all done here are some pics, i will have more soon, as for the rock it is fiji.

the overflow is a peice of 10 dollars a square foot 6 mill plexi and i bent it my self using propane torch. and a table saw and dremmel

the silicone was in the garage all day drying and it was as dry as could be today. and i decided to do some pipe fitting and what not. decided to fill it and shes almost flawless. my pump is not as fast as i thought 100gph would be but tis flowing good. and the water dont fly over like in big tanks, it kinda clings to the plexi. no biggy thoug. skimms great and nice and quiet



Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
north carolina asheville area
i am gonna get some pix up soooon, its all clear and thew overflow/sump/bio/thingymajigger nuclearshperical discombobulator pump is running, and is working 10x better than i expected, i put in some fluval water polish pads and it cleared the water up in an hour! i also added fluval ceramic cyliders for some bio capability, however ith that and the egg crate and 2 airstones and 100 gph pump it curns and areates the water realllly good and i would think gas exchange too. I am getting a light upgrade and am concidering some plants, not many, mabey to put a few patches in beside the overflow tower aand hide it a bit