got riccia???


Medium Fish
Nov 7, 2002
Sunny SD
got riccia?? cuz i don't :(

i also just found out that it is illegal in california, so the lfs can't sell me any. does anybody have any that they could send me?? maybe just enough so that i can grow myself some? i live in san diego, california and will pay for shipping and handling.

or if you would like to sell me some, that'll do too. i don't really trust auction sites...had bad experiences before. so please PM me if u have any riccia.

thank you in advance.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
Originally posted by jonni_li
got riccia?? cuz i don't :(

i also just found out that it is illegal in california, so the lfs can't sell me any. does anybody have any that they could send me?? maybe just enough so that i can grow myself some? i live in san diego, california and will pay for shipping and handling.

or if you would like to sell me some, that'll do too. i don't really trust auction sites...had bad experiences before. so please PM me if u have any riccia.

thank you in advance.
hmm Why is it illegal?
I'm in east coast and at my LFS they have a lot riccia, they sell about 3 bucks something for a golf ball size can u imagne that, what a rip off...
I'm looking for a glosso they(LFS) seem don't have it.


Medium Fish
Nov 7, 2002
Sunny SD
i don't know why it is illegal. that is just wut the lfs here told me. and it is a pretty reputable store too...not something like walmart.

i believe i read somewhere that glosso is illegal in the northern east coast because there is another specie of glosso there that is taking over just about everything. it looks just like the ones used by amano and other aquarists, except it tolerates the cold more and is a little darker green. i think that a darker green would make a better groundcover...maybe u can find some of them in the wild there for free...hehehe. i've collected foxtails and salvinia at local creeks around here before, but then they all suddenly disappeared for no reason...maybe the local games department put some chemicals in the water to kill off the evasive plants...*shrug.

but i think that u could probably find somebody willing to send u some glosso on here..atleast that is wut i am hoping to do with is thread. cuz i don't know where i can get any riccia without maybe going out of the state...and i don't really want to do that for just one plant.


Medium Fish
Nov 7, 2002
Sunny SD
wow...didn't see the other responses before gnome's. i guess thats wut happens when u just click on the last post from the message board...silly me....

wonderwomen...fountain's sell java moss...i think that is mossy...hehehe ;-) seems that you are the closest person to SD that have access to riccia freely...lucky you. :) would u be willing to buy me some and send them? i will pay for shipping and also the purchase price of the riccia. can u PM me with the price they are selling for and also your zip code so i can get a more accurate estimate of how much shipping would be.

Oct 22, 2002
san diego, ca
hey jonni, i didn't know fountain's did. that store always puts me into some state of shock or something, w/ aaaaallllll those tanks and aallllll those neon lights, i just kinda walk in and go 'whoa'. hehe if i knew they sold it i woulda bought some from them, instead of buying off of ebay and having a horrible experience (there's a post about it somewhere).


Medium Fish
Nov 7, 2002
Sunny SD
wonderwoman...i know wut you mean. The first time i went there, i spent a good 3 hours there just looking through everything. hehehe...i think i could work there and know where just about anything is located already.

does anybody else out there have riccia?? i'm still looking.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
Originally posted by jonni_li
wonderwoman...i know wut you mean. The first time i went there, i spent a good 3 hours there just looking through everything. hehehe...i think i could work there and know where just about anything is located already.

does anybody else out there have riccia?? i'm still looking.
hmm I probably can get u some riccia
this weekend I will go to my LFS....I will send u for free if you can ship me some Glosso..:)
if u interested just PM me.


Medium Fish
Nov 7, 2002
Sunny SD
yea...wut is up with riccia? there seems to be a national shortage of it.

do you have any wonderwoman??

dattack...which fish store in orange county u talking about? can you give me the name and the address? i might be in orange county for i'll check it out and buy some.

Oct 22, 2002
san diego, ca
hey jonni, no, i don't have any. never had enough light for it until now, but i sure as heck would like some :) been kinda looking for awhile, looking at auctions and whatnot. pretty pricey.

did fountain's tell you it was illegal? did you ever try any of the other stores around, like clairemont? just a thought...

good luck~!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Some of my LFS, the plants are overpriced making online shopping the only alternative.

But last time I bought riccia, it was at

Pacific Reef Tropical Fish
2877 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 821-8000

Should call them to see if they have any though. Haven't check in a while.
Plants are overpriced but they do have a good selection. Fishes are cheap though.


Medium Fish
Nov 7, 2002
Sunny SD
wonderwoman...actually i was meaning to ask you if you know any good fish stores that you would recommend in san diego. i am fairly new to the area, just been here since school started. I've been to Petco on Frair's Rd, lemon grove pets, and another small pet shop nearby, which all weren't too good. So i'm sorta limited to fountain and wal-mart *cringe .and yes, fountain's was the one that told me riccia was illegal.

dattack...thanks...i will give them a call...even if they don't have any riccia, i will definitely still check them out to see how good their fish prices actually are :)

Oct 22, 2002
san diego, ca
jonni: i'm pretty new too, but so far i've been to fountain's, and there's a store off of clairemont-mesa, if you know where that is. it's actually on convoy just south of clairemont-mesa blvd, there's a whole lot of these asian stores and things in strip malls, you hafta look kinda close for it. it's on the east side of the street, maybe one or two lights down, just called 'clairemont mesa tropical fish', tucked away in a corner of a parking lot. not impressive the way fountain's is, but seems like their prices are more reasonable, maybe cuz they don't have 10 million neon lights running :)

there are also supposed to be a lot up north, encinatas, escondido, vista...i've never been, they're around an hour away, and that's even though i live in north county.

good luck :)