

Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Let's see... We're gonna play with the 1"/gal. rule because it helps get the general ballpark... although you can stretch it quite a bit, as long as no one level is seriously overstocked and everyone has room to stretch their fins.

I would go for maybe 4-5, maybe 6, regular size gouramis (golds, opalines, moonlight), and 3-4 dwarfs (Personally, I'd go with the fire red dwarfs instead of a giants, because I imagine they must be named giant gouramis for something...). That gives about 22-28" of gouramis at full size (the golds etc. grow to about 4"). Then, pick a barb, and get a decent size school of it, say 8ish. You can always add more or a school of the other barb also if the tank looks like it's got lots of excess space. Figure 2.5" per barb... that's another 20", so 42-48" so far.

I think, with all the bottom area of a 75g, you should be fine with a rainbow shark, group of yoyo loaches (4-5 might be a nice number, maybe 6), and a 6-8" pleco. That gives you about 70-82" total, which should be about right for a 75g and is well dispersed through all levels of the tank.

I honestly don't know how well shrimp or snails would fare. If you are trying to breed snails for the loaches, in the tank will not work out so well. They will get eaten faster than they can keep up the population. They don't produce all that much bioload regardless, so you can add them without worrying about them hurting your stocking level.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Thanks Caps. I was really hoping I could go a little further with the gouramis. Lets see, I guess the inch per gal. rule will work, let me try to figure this out.

Yoyo Loaches I know I need at least 3, but I would rather use the stock room for more gouramis, so probably just get the 3. 12"

Albino Rainbow I am going to have to deal without to save some room.

I can't decide which Barb I like better, I was kinda set on the 2 so they weren't so random, but I guess I could cut back if I need to... I guess for now we'll call it 6 albino Tiger Barbs. They are listed as 2" a piece on elmers and 3" on liveaquaria, but live aquaria is always on the big side, so I would say your suggestion of 2.5" is about right. 15"

Pleco -Still unsure, but with no room and the trouble finding one, I think we'll end up with a smaller one, despite me wanting something large and impressive, maybe the tiger or clown at 4".

You are right about the giant gourami's, I read somewhere that they were the size of dwarfs, but apparently there not. They seem to be listed at about 4.5" most places.

So that brings us up to 31" so with 44" (+/-) left, how can I split that up to get the best use of the gouramis?

3 Powder Blue Dwarfs 6"
2 Fire Dwarfs 4"
4 Opalines 16"
2 Golds 8"
3 Moonlights 12"

Which is 2" over, but from everything I have read, gouramis need much less room than most fish because of there natural shallow low oxygen waters, so I should be OK even with a couple of snails right? Having it planted should help some, but should I just go ahead and overkill the filtration too? I have a H.O.T. Maginum on now (and a U.G.F. that will be removed) and I have other filters sitting all over doing nothing, I could easily use 1 or 2 (75g rated) bio wheel filters that I used to filter my 100g with 2 koi and 9 goldies, only 63" of fish, but overstocked simply because there were koi in there. (It was an emergence setup when the pond sprung a leak, it worked well, water quality was top notch with no substrate) Anyway, what do you guys think would work best?

Well here is the final count (if everyone agrees that these are OK numbers) is:

3 Yoyo Loaches
6 Albino Tiger Barbs
1 Pleco (probably a tiger or clown)
3 Powder Blue Dwarf Gouramis
2 Fire Dwarfs Gouramis
4 Opalines Gouramis
2 Gold Gouramis
3 Moonlight Gouramis

Sure seems like it wouldn't come close to filling this tank that I could fit in! LOL But I am more concearned about keeping the fish happy and healthy than makeing it full. Sound reasonible?

Last edited:


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
That sounds fine to me too. (You just forgot the yoyos in the last list I assume). I think you have room for 4-5 yoyos, because the only other bottom dweller in there is a pleco. If you've got the tank planted, you have a lot more leeway to overstock because the plants help keep the water cleaner (removing nitrates and such). Still definitely room for the snails/shrimp, assuming that the loaches don't eat them immediately (BTW, I just thought of another reason you wouldn't have any luck breeding snails in there... gouramis enjoy snail eggs. I've never seen baby snails in a tank with a regular size gourami).


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Haha, yeah, I knew I was missing something! LOL Fixed it.

If I can have more of the Yoyos thats awesome, is there anything else I could consider instead of more yoyos though? I love the yoyos, but with the low numbers all around, I'd rather keep it low.

I see what you mean about the snails, maybe I will just get a couple to breed on the side to supply snacks, but I do want 1-3 snails in the tank to help keep things clean, and maybe some shrimp. erg I have so many questions, I will head over to the "others" forum for the shrimp/snail questions though.

Thanks again for all the help! :)


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Maybe a second pleco, different type maybe? You do have a lot of bottom room open... take a look at all the floor space a 75g has. 3 is really a fine number for loaches though, so it's not like you need more than that.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I always like to stock my tanks to the brim because I do regular water changes and I like the look of a heavily stocked tank. I think you could at least go 1.5" per gallon if you are going to have live plants and plan on doing 25-30% water changes every couple weeks. So here is what I would do. If you go 1.5" per gallon then you can have 112.5" of fish.
Opaline, Gold & Moonlights: 9 total = 36"
Powder Blue & Fire Red: 6 total = 12"
Yoyo Loaches: 6 total = 24"
Tiger & Rosy Barbs: 20 total = 40"

Then you have half an inch left for snails :)

What about kuhli loaches? They are neat looking and would love all of that bottom space that you have. They also only get about 2", and they are small so less bioload. You could get 4 yoyo loaches and 4 kuhlis, or something similar.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Um, kuhli loaches get to 4", they are just slender. But they are slender enough to count them as 2" bioloadwise. I do enjoy kuhli loaches though, they are so cute and different.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
I do do waterchanges and test (at least ammonia and nitrites) regularly (and occasionally PH and Nitrates), so I figure I can stock it pretty full, but I am used to this 15 1-2" fish in 75 gals thing LOL, so I don't want to totally overload it.

I would like to add more gouramis if possible, but even your chart, Mo, is only adding one dwarf gourami, which is still one more so that's awesome! :)

I do like the Kuhli loaches, might put a few of them in there.

I would really like to add some more barbs if possible too, but would loose the rosies all together for more gouramis! :) I like variety though, but there is alot of diversity in the gouramis alone! Confusing! LOL

So... lets revise the list! LOL

4 Yoyo Loaches 16"
3 Kuhli Loaches 12"
1 Pleco (probably a tiger or clown) 4"
6 Albino Tiger Barbs 15"
7 Longfin Rosie Barbs 14"
4 Powder Blue Dwarf Gouramis 8"
2 Fire Dwarfs Gouramis 4"
4 Opalines Gouramis 16"
2 Gold Gouramis 8"
3 Moonlight Gouramis 12"
Random snails (<3)
Possible Cherry or Singapore Flower Shrimp

Brings me up to 109" of fish and some randoms in the clean-up crew.

Still work?


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
MOsborne05 said:
Sorry, that's what I meant, didn't phrase it very well. They are really neat little guys, and are pretty active. I like cory cats the best though :)
Ya know, everyone seems to LOVE corries and I just have never been interested, so I went to check them out again and see what I am missing...

I can now see why everyone likes them (some of them), Still not my personal fav. or an option for this tank, but if I keep my guppies, I might get a small flock of Agassizi, Swartz's, or Panda cories.

You guys are bad influences! LOL not bad enough that I want more aquarium space than living space for myself! LOL You guys all have to go and make me like fish that I used to pass up with no question in my mind! LOL


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I have schwartzis, they are awesome. I really like the silvery and black color pattern. Plus, they are a lot more interesting than they look in a store.

I think your re-re-revised stocking list is still fine (pending someone's approval of shrimp/snails). Hey, if you can't get snails or shrimp, what about an oto or 2 once the tank is established with algae for them?


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
The look of cory cats I don't find that appealing, but they are so active and comical. I could sit and watch my 4 eleganz cories for hours, they were just so cute!

The revised stocking plan looks good. Just remember that if you have all gourami's then the tank will look kind of silly because you will have 100" of fish in the top half, so you need to balance it out with mid and bottom level fish. You don't need a lot but you need some to create a visual balance. Cories are great because they are really active and stay pretty small. They are constantly scavenging for food. Kuhlis tend to hide out alot during the day, but cories are out all the time. The barbs would occupy the middle level, and the loaches will stay on the bottom.

I'm excited about your tank, I can't wait to see it finished!!!!! I love gourami's and the long finned rosy barbs, make sure you post lots of pics :)


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
I think your re-re-revised stocking list is still fine (pending someone's approval of shrimp/snails). Hey, if you can't get snails or shrimp, what about an oto or 2 once the tank is established with algae for them?
LMAO! re-re-revised! HAHAHA That's great! I am really picky when it comes to my animals' happiness, so I tripple+ check everything. I know I can be annoying, but my animals are all happy and healthy! (other than rescues when they first get here, but they usually perk up pretty quick! LOL)

I am worried about otos because of the size, I do have 1 and I LOVE him! LOL He's been through everything and he's still holding on strong! He seems to have some protective bubble that keeps him out of all harms way! LOL He's been through disease after disease, being dropped on the carpet and pinched a ton of times trying to get him off the carpet, tanks with no heat, all variations of PH and temps, etc... and he is still my little trooper! I would love to get him some friends, but I am still thinking this tank isn't the best for him, expecially with these being semi aggressive fish.

Thanks for the compliments, I really want a tank that is really appealing, somehting that catches your eye (well something that catches your eye with a thought other than "Holy CRAP! That tank takes up 1/2 of the living room!!" LOL), but as I was dreaming about the plans for the tank last night while sitting on the couch and watching TV, I noticed that from the couch, the top portion of the aquarium is the most visible! That will be spectacular! (our couch is a bit low LOL) But I do want a bit of each level to be fillled, so I like the barbs because they'll be all over, and the loaches and pleco will occupy the bottom (along with any other critters I can fit in there) So it seems perfect.

OH! And if you haven't been following the Pleco choice thread, I think I have decided on a Pleco (providing I can find and afford one, I know nothing about these guys other than what Planet Catfish had to say), a Flash Pleco (L204)! 5"-5.5", so doesn't change anything too much, but gives me a little bit of the bigger feel that I wanted and there georgious! :)


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
OK I may just be curious here, but if I get male and female gouramis, can/will they breed in this type of environment? would it be best to get 1 male and all females of each type to reduce fighting? Can they crossbreed? If they do crossbreed, would they have viable eggs/fry? I am assuming the opalines and golds could interbreed, what would the frys genetics be?