Green spotted puffers

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
less than 3" it should be fed every day, when larger every 3-4 days. But they pretty much need to be fed live food, crustaceans, invertebrates, and some vegetable not just normal flake or pellet food. Like I said in your other thread, don't get them for your tank, its only big enough for one or two at the most, not including everything else you want in there, which will be killed by puffers.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2008
I do not mean to be rude or sound bad. I see your post you have made about some fish and how to feed each one, and asking about things that can be read on the new person stickys. And you can also read how to properly do a tank setup and such.. I am just saying read as much as you can to learn the stuff its much better knowing it.

if u don't have any useful information than do yourself a favor and don't talk
You asked for answers, and he gave you one! Don't like the answer? Then deal with it. You can't ask questions and then expect to hear what you WANT to hear. Jeez.

Btw, I noticed in your other thread you were planning to put like, what, 3 GSPs in your 38g?? Go with the advice that was given and DON'T do that. You also can't have 2 plecos and whatever else you wanted. Your tank is just too small for all of them together.

Research some more before you buy anything.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Green Spotted Puffers really aren't a beginner fish. They require lots of special care and feeding as well as special water conditions. Please take the time to research them and consider starting with a simpler fish to keep.

Also, it doesn't look like you've checked MissFishy's Guide to Fish yet... please read the cycling a tank link on there, it will help you out immensely.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2008
I was just simply saying read unlike many others and I have done before making the newbie mistake of making a tank wrong and mixing wrong. I said I just read your post and comments and questions and there about simple things of feeding and such..


Large Fish
Dec 31, 2008
Swordfish- we are all trying to help you hone your hobby. We've all spent quite a bit of mula, and I can probably speak for most when I say a good chunk went down the drain due to mis-information and lack of research. Plus, fish are pets just as much as dogs and cats. They need special care and attention and require time and patience. You're not going to put a kitten in a room to play with a Rotweiler, or try and house a horse on a .25 acre, so take the advice and don't put Puffers in a small community tank, brackish/marine fish in a freshwater, or Plecos in a new tank with little food source and no proper nutrition.

It's just cruel and frankly, you'll end up sucking at fish keeping.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
"Useful" information? Everything that's been said is useful, including in your other post which you seem to have completely ignored. Take advice from people who have BEEN THERE. We're trying to save you quite a lot of money which is probably, very soon, going to be flushed down the porcelain express with your dead fish.

I'll repeat what I said in your other thread:

1. Monos are brackish fish and will eventually require a MARINE set up.
2. Puffers are far too aggressive to be housed with most other fish. You're tank is not big enough for 3 of that type.
3. 2 Plecos of any sort is too much for a 38g.

And posting threads asking how rarely and how little to feed your fish doesn't exactly fill us with any confidence whatsoever. To quote LadyLail, fish are PETS and need to be looked after. You need to take on board what people are saying to you or you'll never be a responsible fishkeeper, which most newbies who join here are hoping to do.

I apologise if I sound rude but I find it extremely irritating when people ask for advice and don't take a blind bit of notice. I can assure you we only have you're fishes best interests at heart and this set up will not work.


Medium Fish
Aug 14, 2009
i have a 1.5 inch green spotted puffer in a 90 gallon, with 2 large oscars both about 9 inches, a pink convicts thats full grown, a black convict thats a ince, a 4 inch red tail shark, snakeskin gourami that being eatin slowly by the shark lol, a jack dempsey, a huge ass cray fish, and a medium sized pleco.

i had some apple snails but they might be gone.

i keep guppies in the tank at all time so if the oscar get hungry they have some thin to chase, and i keep some bloodworms surviving in the gravel of the tank.

the gsp is fearless and funny, the tank is set up real nice moving it to brackish water over time as the gsp grows cause from what iv'e read when they're first born the need fresher water.

but sometimes thing fight and get aggressive, the puffer pretty much is the goofy guy on the couch that flutters ROUND IT AND SMILES AT YOU. sry cap

but it works for my, i keep a taank for snail that one gallon with a place to keep blood worms. i also have another 12 gallon tank for more snails, but i put a kennyi cichlid in it till i find a new tank.

that fish definatly was a mistake i my part, its a demon to convicts, oscars, and even the jack dempsey