Growing boy...

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Very observant about the sal...
He's actually gonna be going away this week. He'll be moving to another home with a guy I know from the cichlid-forum. This guy had hoped for a salvini pairing, but his male turned out to be somewhat 'deformed' (short-bodied, kinda), and his intended female chose a GT tankmate instead...and they've even spawned a time or two already, lol.

Anyway, I figured he might appreciate getting a big enough male sal to fit into this setup of his, so I offered it up to him. It'll be interesting to see how things play out between this guy and his new tankmates...

I bet my Royal can put him in his place.
I bet he could, Pure.
Say, is that the same kind of pleco that Jess (FishGeek) posted in the Buy/Sell/Trade section about a month or so ago? Would it be a suitable species to house in with my oscar? Or are they primarily vegetarian?

Probably best to just go with the L114, right Pure? ;)


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
is that the same kind of pleco that Jess (FishGeek) posted
Yes and No.

Same Genus different species. Mine is an L330 hers is probably an L027.

I'm not sure I would call a wood eating fish a vegetarian or not, but they are actually very sensitive to high protein foods causing bloat. There is an article on PCF..or is it plecofanatics..about this with Panaques.

Sides as large as my guy is he ain't going nowhere. :p

I wonder what what a GT and salvini hybrid looks like. I don;t agree with hybridization but it does normally make for some interesting looking fish.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Well, from what you say the dietary requirements are incompatible with the oscar, and thus the original plan of going with an L114 will be the one to go with!

as large as my guy is he ain't going nowhere. :p
Haha...wouldn't dream of suggesting it! ;)
Actually, only reason I brought it up is because I saw a pretty decent-sized one at the LFS about a week or two ago and always was kinda wondering whether or not he'd work with an oscar. Figured I'd jump on the opportunity if it was gonna be a good matchup, but sounds like the dietary requirements of the leopard cactus pleco will be right up my alley with what I feed the oscar.

Probably just as well...that's one less fish to worry about for the move (which is one of the main reasons I'm letting the sal go)
BV :cool: