Happy Krib Pair?

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Added these 2 kribensis cichlids to my 38 gal. tank on Thursday afternoon.
By the time I went to bed, I noticed the female wiggling beside the male---as though she was trying to egg him on.

Since that time, the male has been following her---not aggressively---but just hanging around her, in general. They mostly scavenge around as they become better-acquainted with their new surroundings.

In fact, sometimes one will swim into the little coconut shell cave and then the other will follow it in there. They both then emerge a few seconds later and continue to chum around together.

Plus, their coloration makes me think they're a mating pair. What do you guys think?

Don't they look like a cute couple? ;)

Here's a closeup of the male with the female in the background.

Here's a shot of the female.

These guys had been at the LPS for a couple weeks. They looked good when I first saw them. I was then picking up some other supplies on Thursday and took a glance at their tank...
They looked absolutely stunning!

Here's to hoping that my second time around with kribs will turned out better than the first! *celebrate
Big Vine

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Thanks everyone! :)
I'm sure glad I didn't give up on kribs after the debacle with the first pair I got.

How big will the fry get before the parents decide to eat them?

Big Vine


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Congrats! :D I wish I got to see the dwarf cichlid parenting skills, I had to remove the eggs from my rams, I think next time I will setup a breeding/rearing tank so I can see it all first hand. :) Keep us updated! :D

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Thanks tessa & Virgo. :)

Quick question that I asked in an earlier post...
***How big will the fry get before the parents eat them?***
(this is really important, because I have a fry tank set up and it would be a shame to see any needless casualties when I have the option of moving them at any time)

VirgoWolf said:
I wish I got to see the dwarf cichlid parenting skills...I think next time I will setup a breeding/rearing tank so I can see it all first hand.
It's really fascinating to watch how the parents take turns staying with the fry and fending off anything that comes even remotely near them. A lot of the time both parents are together with the fry, which is really nice to see too. I just hope it all stays amicable like that---I've read that the female can often start getting pretty aggressive toward the male before too long...

...but so far, so good. :D

Oh...and it's so cute to watch how they pick up the young in their mouths (whenever the little guys wander off) and then spit them back out with the rest of the group. The whole experience is something that everyone should get to see firsthand at least once in their fishkeeping...err...'careers.' ;)

Big Vine

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