Happy Krib Pair?

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Thanks Matt...please disregard my PM.

Actually, what about the adults terrorizing all the other fish?
This can be tolerated in the short-term, but in the long-term I'll need to move them anyway because I want a community setup with shrimp and other smaller bottomdwellers (it's my understanding that the kribs will feast on those).

Do you think moving the fry now would kill them?
I'm thinking of moving them to a planted 10 gal. tank to raise them.

Would the parents settle-down if I left them in the 38 without their fry?

Big Vine

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Thanks...they're really "too good" of parents because they keep terrorizing the rest of the fish.

I appreciate the input, Matt.
I've done some more research on this, and I'm going to go against your advice on this one and move them anyway.

For their sake I'd leave them in longer, but I just can't bear to see my little angels and tetras bullied around so much. All of them are hanging out within an inch of the water's surface and huddled in the corner of the tank to one side or the other...much worse than before the kribs started breeding. :(

My plan is to prep the 10 gallon for them. It's been up and running with an established filter and plants for several days now---no ammonia, nitrite, and only about 7.5 PPM nitrates. All I need to do is move some of the plants out of the way and transfer the rocks over for them.

I'll use either the siphon or a turkey baster to suck up the fry, then I'll move the parents in with them. It will be crowded, I know...by far from ideal. But I've got to prioritize here...and the 38 gallon community tank comes first.

Big Vine

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006

Thanks silver dollars!
I hope yours breed too---at least you've got a couple jewel fry to keep you busy in the meantime. ;)

Well, I've gone ahead and moved the fry and their parents into the 10 gallon planted tank, along with the rocks that I said I'd be moving.

After an hour or so later I looked in and saw a bunch of fry in the middle of the rocks---I put some fry food in there for them. Parents are guarding them. No signs of anyone killing each other!

Not sure how many fry survived their transportation into the new tank, but it seems like there's at least a good dozen in there...probably more like 20ish; possibly more.

Big Vine