Hello out there.


Large Fish
Nov 30, 2006
The new one is a 10 gallon tank. I want to eventually get a 20 but this one is free and is bigger than the 5 gallon. Im going to put the adults in the 10 gallon and move the fry to the 5 gallon as suggested. Im going to move the 5 gallon into my daughters room since I think it would be perfect for her to experience this.. Even though she is 4 its never to early to get her interested in things. Everything is with the tank. It used to be my grandfathers and he gave my sister the tank so he could get a bigger tank at his house. These mollies seem very strong so Im going to try a fishy cycle so that I can get those fry out of the bowl and into some warm water. I will however run the new tank for 48 hours. Will that be ok.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I don't remember how long you had the 5 gal. set up, but to "seed" the new tank, you simply need to take some of the gravel from the 5gal and put it into the 10g. That way you don't need to "fish cycle." Make sure your daughter knows not to feed the fry unless you are there, even better to keep the food somewhere else. Children have a tendency to dump the whole contents of the can in. ;) I wouldn't get ich medication, I would go with the heat method. Simply raise the temp of your tanks to around 85-86 slowly, and that will kill off the ich if you do have it. I would also get a mystery snail at the pet store to put in with your fry, it will eat any excess food the fry don't get to and keep the water quality up. :)

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
EDIT: MissFishy beat me to it! Very good advice... Kudos to MissFishy for:
MissFishy said:
I would also get a mystery snail at the pet store to put in with your fry, it will eat any excess food the fry don't get to and keep the water quality up.
Excellent idea! :)

Make sure the new tank is filled (and that there are no leaks or anything), up and running with a working filter, before putting the adult mollies in there.

I don't think 48 hours is necessary. I'd put them in right away. The less time the fry have to spend in the bowl, the better...It's best to get them back in the 5 gal. ASAP.

Use as much old tank water to put in the new 10 gal. tank as you can (and just replace it as you would do with a regular water-change). Also, I'd use at least about half the gravel from your current tank and put it in the new one...same thing for ornaments, etc.

It's a pain in the butt, and it may 'wreck' things for the moment, but it will go a long way in helping your new tank to cycle quickly.

Also, I would take whatever filter insert (sponge) you have from your current tank (and replace it with a new one) and put it in your new tank's filter box---this will tremendously help the cycling process.

Big Vine

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Large Fish
Nov 30, 2006
I bought the 5 gallon on Oct 30th. I put the fish in the monday before THanksgiving so I had it running almost a month. I have shown my daughter how to put the food in she takes a pinch of flakes ask me if its ok and then puts it in. She tries to help with the water changes also but I really dont let her do much. She helps with the tube when Im siphoning the water out. What I did with the fry is I put some flakes and brine shrimp in but it doesnt seem like they are eating at all so I used an extra turkey baster that I had and sucked the food out.. Is it normal for them to sit at the bottom and do nothing at first? I know they are only a few hours old as they werent there at 11pm last night but were there at 6am this morning.