Well doc...no its not put on. It looks like a case of someone who didn't do research before getting a fish, or did research and then decided not to follow it...then came here when something bad happened. Yes...everyone here has their little particular personalities and if you hang around you'll learn them
Welcome to the tank
One of the cuz's called my attention to this thread...and I just figured I'd pipe up and let the "other" cuz know that the best way to get a thread to go away, is to stop replying to it and let it die. Nothing has happened here to cause a moderator to feel the need to close it. (IMO)
As for the spelling issue...personally I find it incredibly distracting when I have to try and translate a post into english before I can try to figure out what the person is saying so that I can formulate an opinon or advice or a response. I realize that you are a teenager, but in order to raise our level of respect for you it would be nice if you could look over your post before you post it to make sure you're saying everything you want to say and spelled everything mostly right. Of course that is my opinion too...take it or leave it.
Sorry to expand this thread even more, but I felt the need to say something so I did