Help me build my tank in the proper way


Medium Fish
Dec 6, 2010
Dominican Republic
Tha's what i'm gonna do, i'll add some fish to cycle the tank, and after it is cycle i'll add the other fish i like every 2-3 week each specie. So the tank and the other fish adapt to the change.

Overstock is not a plan, but if you have livebreeders, you will be overstock for a little while, and if i find a fish that i like i won't stop buying cause my fish tank is at full stock, i don't think 10-20% of overstock will do a lot of harm if is properly care.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Wow! La República Dominicana página Craigslist es casi vacío! ¿Dónde suele tener tus cosas de segunda mano?

De todas formas, me permito sugerir la adición de los dos filtros al mismo tiempo, por lo que tiene más medios biológicos una vez que todo ha terminado. Pero no es realmente tan grande de un reparto.

Además, si usted podría encontrar algunos "Tetra"Crecer con seguridad "que haría que el ciclismo de su tanque mucho más fácil para nuevos peces.

No, no hablo español. Estoy usando Google Translate para hacer espero que sea más fácil de entender.


Wow! The Dominican Republic Craigslist page is almost empty! Where do you usually get your second hand stuff from?

Anyway, I would suggest adding both filters at the same time so you have more biological media once everything is finished. But it's really not that big of a deal.

Also, if you could find some "Tetra Safe Start" that would make cycling your tank much easier on new fish.

No, I don't speak Spanish. I'm using Google Translate to hopefully make it easier for you to understand.


Medium Fish
Dec 6, 2010
Dominican Republic
Jajajajajaja, nice detail, google do + or - work with translate and spanish is a really hard to learn language because of all the grammar it have, craiglist isn't used a lot, here are some pages like ..:: ::.. were i look for used stuff.

Now about the tank, i have already bought tetra safe start, then i'll order the 2nd filter, that way i have set from the beginning, from the list of fish i want witch one is better to start of, i'll use only 1 specie until tank is cycle and will add another specied, check the tank until leveled again and goes until i have everything i want.

The fish i'm gonna get are:
- Neon tetra
- Platy (assorted)
- Glofish
- Guppy
- Female betta
- Bronze cory

Witch one is best to start the cycle??