Tha's what i'm gonna do, i'll add some fish to cycle the tank, and after it is cycle i'll add the other fish i like every 2-3 week each specie. So the tank and the other fish adapt to the change.
Overstock is not a plan, but if you have livebreeders, you will be overstock for a little while, and if i find a fish that i like i won't stop buying cause my fish tank is at full stock, i don't think 10-20% of overstock will do a lot of harm if is properly care.
Overstock is not a plan, but if you have livebreeders, you will be overstock for a little while, and if i find a fish that i like i won't stop buying cause my fish tank is at full stock, i don't think 10-20% of overstock will do a lot of harm if is properly care.