Help, what is this creature?!

Jan 18, 2010
Oxford England
Ok night 2 and still no luck! Also i got home from work yesterday to find that one of my cleaner shrimps if now missing in action! Just gone, no sign of him anywhere!? Took out the rocks I could and moved the others, checked in both my filter units also, there is absolutly no sign of him at all! I have read they tend to hide after sheding their skin but it did that about 4 days ago so I don't think it is that!

Something strange is definatly going on in my tank? I just don't know what!? Hmmmm.....?!


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
your worm is having your tank for lunch...maybe it's even venomous since you say its very thin so i doubt it has much power to choke or hold onto living prey, but we also don't know how large it is..

Jan 18, 2010
Oxford England
Well a number of days and nights later and no more sightings of the worm in question.....?

Still no sign what so ever of the missing cleaner shrimp either?

I have purchased a 6 line Wrasse this weekend and he seems to have settled in well, so lets hope he decided to eat worms for lunch!

Also found my Condylactis Anemone has been sucked up my pump this morning, so not in the best of moods today! Poor little creature was doing really well, then fancied a move about and met his fate! Just his foot left and the tentacles have disappeared up the pump, so some modifications are needed there.

Also my nitrate levels have shot up, here are all my readings from last night;-

No2 0

Jan 18, 2010
Oxford England
Sorry got posted half way through start again,

PH 8.2
NO2 0
NO3 20!
Amm 0
Phos 1.0
Calcium 560!!!!
KH 15

We have never been able to get our KH much lower than 15, but are treating the water to try and rectify the problem. which in turn only lowers Ph then i treat the water for that and it seems we are back to square 1 with the Kh, any ideas here would be helpful.

Calcium also is rocketing at an alarming rate, ive taken out all shells etc incase they are causing a rise, again any advice please!

And my nitrates have gone up since water change they were 5 before this, could it be that the RO watere I use is higher in nitrates than my tank? Sould i find a different supplier?

Again all advice and ideas welcome.
