Help with my goldfish


Small Fish
Mar 25, 2009
Hello my name is hannah,

Lately i have been worrying over my goldfishes health as i have noticed him swimming upside down recently. He isnt always swimming upside down he sometimes swims normally. The other day i noticed a dark patch below his left fin and i believe its getting to a cause of concern.

I am stuggling to find out what is wrong as i feed and change the water of my fish reguarly.

Could someone please help me x :confused:


Small Fish
Mar 25, 2009
My tank is 38" wide and 46" high. Its been set up for about 3 and 1/2 months and have hade my fish for about 4 - 5 months. I change and clean the water about once every 2 weeks. Does this help to find out what is wrong ?


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
If it is indeed the swim bladder disease:

Swim Bladder- Swim or air bladder problems sometimes occur in freshwater fish. I have personally seen this is fancy goldfish such as Orandas, Ryunkins, and Shubunkins. When the bladder is effected, the fish will experience equilibrium problems. Sometimes, the problem is not the bladder but other problems which directly affect the bladder. Diseased and inflamed internal organs, improper water conditions or nutrition, and wounds received from fighting with another fish can also effect the equilibrium of the fish. Constipation is also known to affect a fish's swimming ability! Symptoms: The fish has problems swimming correctly. They may appear to be standing on their head, or floating to the surface and struggling to go down to the bottom, or possibly even have problems removing themselves from the bottom. At the later stages of the disease, the fish could lose its balance and swim upside down. Treatment: There is no specific treatment for this dilemma;however, you can try isolating the fish to a quarantine tank in which the water is shallow(this provides relief for the fish). Add one teaspoon of salt per gallon of water. Some individuals will feed thawed out frozen peas and this purges the fish's system and has been noted to help many fish. After 1-2 weeks a return to the main tank with deeper water may be tried. The best advice I can give is to maintain proper water conditions, feed your fish a well balanced diet, and possibly try feeding your goldfish sinking foods rather than floating types. They won't inhale so much air this way. The pellets if soaked in water before feeding will expand before the fish eats them and this has helped a lot. Good luck with this!! Check out Koivet Welcomes You


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Oh geez, that doesn't look good. That fish looks like it's on its last legs. Has it always been bloated like that? I can't tell since I can't get very close but that looks like something possibly internal. Is this fish eating?


Small Fish
Mar 25, 2009
I havent noticied it being any less bloated before, he does seem to be eating as all the food goes but on the other hand there is another fish in the tank aswell, can you find out whats wrong ? Will he need meds ?


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Unfortunately I don't think meds can help this guy at this point. Have you tested your water lately for ammonia and/or nitrite? It is odd that he is still eating in that condition. It looks like an internal injury, possibly to his bladder. I can't tell without looking at a close up picture.

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
I havent tested my water lately, would it be a good idea to ?
Hi Hannah. It would be a good idea to test and if you don't have the testing supplies, you may be able to take a sample to a local fish store.

Its important to know what is going on inside your water. There could be ammonia, nitrites and nitrates all of which are poisonous to your fish.

Do you soak the food before you feed it to the fish? That would help prevent swim bladder disease. Dry food will expand (get bigger) after the fish has eaten it-and thats not good.

Try soaking the food for a few minutes in a cup of tank water until it is soggy before you feed it. That should help prevent any future swim bladder diseases. I don't know what that red spot is and I tried to find info about it but I was unsuccessful. Sorry. And I hope everything works out for you.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
You need to get the nitrite levels down to 0.0 immediately, especially since your fish are sick. This could likely be the root cause of the "illness" which I now suspect is nitrite poisoning.