here are a few pictures


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
1979camaro said:
those "feather things" appear to be zoanthids
well while i was there i also picked up a coral life 18" fluoresent 50/50 shouold this be better than a stanard light that comes in my cheap a** hood?? will it make any differance? ive been adding Reef plus as well as Reef trace should this help as far as what in the tank now of is it worthless??


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i figured the additive may may help my hawian feather duster since their filter feeders and i was planning on getting a pink sea cucumber (also filter feeders)... if thats not the right stuff then what should i get? as far as the light u think i should have stuck with the lights that came in the ceap hood i got? what if i got a better hood that can hold more bulds ? would 4 make a differance?? in terms of the zoos spreading, are there additives that would benifit them?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
the lights are too little either way you go...the 50/50 will give you a more oceany feel but that is about it...if you want corals (including zoanthids) you are going to need a new would be better off going for PC or t5 rather than a bunch of t10 or t8 bulbs. additives aren't going to help the zoanthids, they need light

reef trace adds elements to your water which may be benefitial in terms of the worms tube building but aren't going to do a bit for it as far as feeding...reef plus may do something for you and it may not. feather dusters are tough to feed because they have very specific size requirements for what they will catch from the water column

not sure what a "pink sea cucumber" is, perhaps Holothuria? no matter what, a sea cucumber would be a very bad choice; first, they are not filter feeders they actually process the substrate (they eat a bunch of gravel, suck out the goodies, and spit the gravel back out) and the amount of stuff in a ten gallon will not sustain one. second, when it dies (as it inevitably will) it will relase some really toxic stuff into your tank which will be very damaging in a ten gallon...all and all just a poor choice


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
1979camaro said:
not sure what a "pink sea cucumber" is, perhaps Holothuria? no matter what, a sea cucumber would be a very bad choice; first, they are not filter feeders they actually process the substrate (they eat a bunch of gravel, suck out the goodies, and spit the gravel back out)
not a holothuria its a pink sea cucumber and it is a filter feeder check this


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
and that should make the zoos on my new rock spread?? anything else i should need? and will that 50/50 bulb i got yesterday keep them alive for a little while till i get that new light?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
1979camaro said:
didn't you know what they were when you bought it? otherwise, you could have been buying almost anything
nope didnt know what it was...all the guys at the lfs told me was it was tonga brach... i just really like all suff on it theres like this slug thing stuck to the bottom and besides the zoos theres also these things that are kinda like feathers but they look more like thorns.. definitly my nicest rock by far