Here He Is!!


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Well I have to wait till they settle down a little bit to get better ones. I dont want to stress them out to bad by chasing them trying to get pics. But here is what I got. The new one is on the top. And the Pleco had to be in the pic too :D
My Moss Balls are also down there :)



Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for the moss balls? They sell them for $9.99 each at my lfs and that seems like a lot of pay for a clump of moss. They are super cool though.

Congrats on the new discus! They are beautiful fish. Can't wait to see pics when they come out and about.


Large Fish
Jul 21, 2005
southern oregon coast
Looking GOOD guppy...I keep my tank at 84 just from reading what alot of others do with alot more experience than I with Discus, some even keep their tanks as high as 86... They like really warm temps from what Ive read and arent a problem at all with good water quality. They look like nice healthy fish from your pics...good luck!

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Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
84 is ideal, I've kept them as high as 89 for extended periods of time. Like Kathy said they like warm water. 80 would be the lowest I would dare keep them for any amount of time.

The Cories may not be the best choice. Discus spook easy, and I know others who have had problems with the common Corie mad dash to th surface flip and bolt back down that they often do, spooking discus. Also do research what Corie you get some do not fair well in warmer waters.

Rummys do very well in warm water.

Not sure about the killies tho.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
BNs do great in these warm waters. I've heard of some plecs sucking the slime coat offa the discus, but have never observed my BNs doing this. Nore do I think this problem is common with BNs.

In any case I would imagine the problem is due more to the plec not being fed enough. i highly doubt eating slime coat is a preferred choice of food.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Ok. I decided to wait on the Killies and do Kuhli Loaches instead of cories. I know they are not from the same area but not many bottom dwellers are from SA (at least that I like/can find). I figured they could be my odd balls. They are doing really well. They ate/killed my shrimp but I geuss that I will have to comprimise. They are great little guys and the Discus dont seem bothered by them. The only thing that is left to add is a few plants and some Rummynose Tetras. How many?? I was thinking 11-15. ???


Large Fish
Jul 21, 2005
southern oregon coast
Discus LOVE lots of plants, mine sleep in them at the base at night or hang inside them during the day. I do keep afew different species of corydoras with them with no problem. Discus do spook easily tho and will slam into the glass if really scared. We scared the crap outta each other one night lol I was on my way to the kitchen to get a drink in the middle of the night...I always keep a very low light on or its too dark in here and I guess when I walked by the tank it spooked them...made ME jump. I also keep neons, white clouds and a bristlenose plec in there with them...altho my little fish seem to keep disappearing, kinda spendy feeders if ya ask me! Butttt the Discus keep gettin bigger. :)

Nice Discuss

I have some info for you on your discuss. Make sure you have at least 3-4 of them in a large tank like a 150-160G. Becareful on what other fish are in the tank with him, Too much stress can cause him to loose body slime and he can get all sorts of diseases and mabey even die! Also, if you plan on breeding two discuss, you might want to take them out and put them in a smaller tank like say 75-80G, so this way the babies won't be at risk of being eaten. Hope this helps you!*celebrate