hi, my name is Brandon, and i'm a fishoholic


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I went to my lfs for some cichlid food. Well it never fails. I bought some more fish lol. I always end up talking to the owner and today was no different. he had to show my some of the nice black lace angels he just got in. he knows i been wanting some and offered them to me for 7 each so i got 2. then a girl came up talking about guppies and africans. the 3 of us got talking and i helped convince her into getting another tank. well since i helped make the sale he sold me 2 orange laser cory cats for half price. I need to stop going to my fish stores lol. go to spend 15 bucks and end up spending 60 lol.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
no the tails are much longer and barred. body has more defined white bars as well. i'll try to get a good pic. luckily they have already settled in and are calm, come right to the glass and eating. only been in the tank less then 8 hours.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
my lfs said they ordered black angels which were in the tank across from the one these were in but they said they noticed these in the mix and separated them. in their books they use for fish id they came to the conclusion that the closest they could come to is a black marble lace angel. i'm not sure. i just been wanting some and i saw them and fell in love lol. I think it's a male female pair. the one with the long tail seems to have that male hump behind it's head and holds it's dorsal nearly vertical to the head where the one with the shorter tail has a more smooth transition to the head and holds its dorsal more swept back. from what i been reading it's one of the ways to sex angels. not always a perfect way but the best way i can lol. I honestly know nothing about angels.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
All the angel colors are just specifically bred for, right? So they probably are a mix of several sorts - that's how they get new colors/patterns anyways. Probably bred from black angels but they are just not as pure black - a little more patterns of light areas coming through.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
It looks like you have some neons in with the angels. That alerted me and I checked and I have no more neons in with my angel. It took a while and that is why I guess I just didn't notice them disappearing.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
those angels have all kinds of tank mates thyra :p I'm a big fan of dither fish and neons tend to be a perfect one. not agressive like guppies can be and don't spawn like guppies tend to.

The angels stick realy close together in the tank. they did at my lfs as well so i'm pretty sure it's a pair. the owner of the lfs thinks so as well but he said i might as well flip a coin to determine which one is male and which one is female. he admits he has a hard time sexing them.

Right now the bodies are about half dollar size they are still pretty small yet. and i'm keeping them in my 55. debating on, if they are a pair, if i'll let them try to spawn and parent their own young, or if i'll get rid of my green sunfish and use that as a fry tank and raise the fry on my own. I'd like to have a few more angels in the tank. then of course if i can raise them I can make a nice little bit of spending money every few months selling them. my lfs would probably give me $2 a fish at quarter size. around here quarter size go for about $8. so take into account the average 400% mark up on fish thats about $2 each. say i get 50 fish that size thats $100 i can spend on more fish or eq. see, thinking ahead lol


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Gee, I wouldn't have considered neons dither fish - they're slow and not very active. I had read or heard that angels and neons were not good tank mates, but when I down sized I forgot and when I realized I what I'd done at first I watched closely, but then the last three months have been one thing after another and I wasn't paying attention until I saw your pictures and got to thinking I haven't seen any of the 5 neons I had. The angel is about dollar size not counting any fins.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I mostly got the neons for the apisto, just to make them calm down and not be so skiddish. but come breeding time i've read angels can be rather mean and seeing the other fish will keep the agression off the mating pair and will chase the neons. if the neons get killed they get killed. it just means there is more room for more angel friendly fish lol. but at least thus far i've seen no aggression towards any of the fish. they all seem to be gettign along nice and happy.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
they wont get aggressive until they are much bigger. right now at that size they will behave like timid schooling fish. i hope they make it for you. i have had 25% survival rate keeping angels in harder, alkaline water. i am at pH7.5


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I'm sure they will be fine. only issue i can see is if i try to breed them. the water is fairly soft in that tank due to the plants. ph on the other hand is a bit high but consistancy is key as most yall know. so as long as i don't get any big swings it should all be good.