hi, my name is Brandon, and i'm a fishoholic


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
Well I think I'll find a dead angel when I get home from work tonight. looks like something attacked it last night. Its the one with the long tail. its tail has been shredded. my signature has all my fish in it. I had it in the planted tank. anyone have any idea which fish may have done it? could it have been the other angel? its unharmed and active. if they happened to be 2 males would they attack another at this size?


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
Its still alive but laying on its side on the bottom of the tank. but look like it has not been picked on anymore. I'll give it a chance. might be dead in the morning or after work tomorrow. or it might turn around. doubt it but I won't give up till it is dead.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I have no choice but to leave it in the tank or to just kill it. I have no other tank to put it in. my guppy tank has no heater, my green sunfish would eat it, and my cichlids would just rip it to shreds. but it was dead when i woke up this morning. I fed it to my sunfish. the other angel still seems happy and healthy so i'm pretty sure it was the culprit. I know angels can be mean and i guess i got to see it first hand with my first experience with them lol. I might pick up a couple more next weekend. hope that they are better tempered and don't kill eachother.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
i still think it was your apistos. at that size angels are not aggressive yet.
if you have a pair of apistos they may be territorial if the angel wandered into their area by accident (be it at night or early morning).

I have had my bristlenose pleco male kill platies before that wandered into his cave by accident, probably at night. plecos can get vicious if the intruder does not flee quickly. and at night the fish can't do much.
just be aware about this with your apistos and if your pleco happens to be a male who has his own territory he defends.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Awe, that's too bad. I had an issue when I bought my first koi angel for my 55g. It didn't seem right, right after purchase and died within days. When I contacted my LFS, the owner said they had problems with all the angels from one particular (fairly local) supplier. My LFS owner even went so far as to autopsy some of the dead to look for parasites, etc.. Cause was never determined. A shame too because these angels were beautiful and healthy looking. He gave me another koi angel from another supplier a few weeks later. I've had him/her since May or so. I can't say he's the king of the tank, he's more like a big goof in there. No one, even the nasty male dwarf flame gourami tries to mess with him.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I just have the one apisto male who realy seems pretty calm and tame. he don't seem all that aggressive. the 2 females are missing. i think they have died or are doing a realy good job at hiding in the plants. and my bushy nose is a male and the king of the tank. i suppose he could have done it. i know my female kicks my cichlids out of the way during feeding time. i know they can be tough. I'd like to get a few angels to try to get some to pair up and breed hopefully. I can either get rid of my green sunfish or i could get rid of my guppies and have a 30 gallon for a grow out tank if i get another heater since those 2 tanks are not heated. or i could take the heater out of my 20 and put it in that 30 and put my guppies in my 20 gallon tank. either way i got options. :p


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
What if the angel already had a problem when you bought them - you didn't quarantine them and you only had them a few days. If that is a possibility once it got on its side anyone of your fish could do the damage.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
^^ Agreed.

When I had the angel issue I stated above, as soon as that angle started loosing balance and was drifting somewhat erratically, a few ghost shrimp I had at the time in that tank latched right on to him. My kids still bring that up...