High Nitrate levels.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Glad to here things are getting better. I would suggest ditching the strip test in the future. Not very accurate. I know here in the colonies(if I may) you can pick up a master test kit that uses the droplets and viles for around 30 bucks. It was a life saver for me, you can test for anything, accurately without trips to the pet store. Plus they last for a long time.


Small Fish
Dec 19, 2012
malvern uk
Morning from a very dark and windy part of the UK!

We have a full compliment still and the water is Gin clear again. The Guppies are tearing about the tank and everyone seems happy. Being new to all this, the way I 'feel' about these fish is wierd and I hope I'm not the only one who gets a rather warm feeling about seeing these fish so happy and characterful, it really does lift the spirits on an early,dark winters morning.

I shall be water changing as I've said and after Xmas I will be getting a testing kit. My shop is being very supportive and really can't do enough. Reading the article that was linked on here, the treatment Prime by Seachem is raved about over there in 'the Colonies!!'. When I mentioned this to my shop, they said that they could get it but, they have as much faith in Easylife. The same goes for Poly Filter. Any thoughts?

Merry Xmas. Glyn.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
Glad everything is working out now. sounds to me as though the high temps not only killed the fish but the bacteria as well and that forced another cycle. if anything like that were to happen again water changes daily is the key. i wish u continued luck. :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
An alternate test kit brand that I've used is Sera - it's European, so it might be more readily available in the UK if you have trouble getting API for some reason. As mentioned upthread, keep up with regular - like 50% daily - water changes. This won't slow down the cycling process, and will help protect your fish against the toxicity buildup in your tank. Good luck with it all, let us know what transpires!


Small Fish
Dec 19, 2012
malvern uk
Hi all.

We have cracked it! We got the water checked at the shop today and the Ammonia is zero, nitrite .2 and the Nitrate is 3. RESULT! My son celebrated by giving the chap at the shop a big hug and was very chuffed. I feel pretty good as well. We've ordered some Lyretail Guppies and we will see what happens. I still haven't had an answer, as to why the levels went through the roof after only 48hrs of adding the new fish. If there's any ideas on here, I will be pleased learn.

Thanks for all the advice and support, it's been great. Have a very good and safe New Year. Glyn.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I couldn't say y it happened. i had a salt water tank go bad in a out 8 hours once. and that tank had been set up for 6 months or more. weird things happen for reasons alot of us just don't understand. But glad things are working out and glad ur kid is happy :)