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Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I've been thinking of re-stocking my 75 gallon for a while, but just can't really decide what I want to do with it that would be more feasable for me. A 75 gallon based around multies just doesn't do it for me. lol.

I want to keep some tropheus in it, but really right now I just don't have the time to keep them up like they should be.

I was thinking of going back across the pond to make my return to New Worlds. I had toyed with the thought of a 'wet pet', and while I like the idea somewhat, something that always bugged me when I had my oscar was that I couldn't put anything else in with them. I love the manganesse, and have read that it would be ok in a 75 alone. Also the red terror. But if I went this way I would like to do more of a 'community' setting.

I have always wanted severums. Are they as nasty plant eaters as some would let on? The blue acara's are very nice looking. And if possible I think it would be neat to try and include a dwarf of some type in the mix. Mabey top the tank off with a large school of corries and possibley even a big group of hatchet fish or medium sized tetra. But if I went back to SA/CA, I would certinaly want to plant it, and I don't know if I really want to get into a 75 gallon planted tank. I supose if I kept it simple it wouldn't be too bad, but agian, if I'm going to do all that work I think I would rather have tropheus. I'm too lazy to mess with the DIY Co2, and too cheap to spend for the pressureized setup. I've got two bags of calcite in the tank right now and really like the look of it too, so switching to florite or eco-complete does not make for a very happy sounding time for me just for the plants.

I'm open to the other rift lakes as well for sugestions. I'm not leaving behind my love to Tanganyika, just wanting to try something different without it having to cost a small fortune. If I can find something from Tang at a decent price then I'm sure that I'll jump all over it. Xeno's, some of the larger shellies, the featherfins, gobies and julies are just a few that I would really like to have. But agian, they just cost so bloody much. I really enjoyed my cyps while I had them, but since the disaster with them, I don't think that my wife is going to want to spend the money for another group any time soon.

Obviously I want the tank centered around cichlids. The more diversity in species the better.

I'm just pondering some idea's and would love to hear some feedback.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Yep Sevs are plant munchers!

For a true aquatic dog/wet pet..Do something different and loose the cichlids idea. Get one of the larger fresh water puffers!! You won't regret it!!


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Pure said:
loose the cichlids idea.

Hush your blasphemous mouth! Shame on you! haha

To be honest I hadn't given much thought to any non-cichlid fish. Big puffers would be kinda neat. Any particular recomendations on species?

Eartheaters! Yeah Matt thats a good idea! I'll have to think more on this, and see what the wife wants to do, and how much she want's to spend.

But I've just came up with a really cool idea for my 45 gallon for some extra equipment so more fish may have to wait....


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
The problem with puffers (or not) is that goes back to you not wanting an Oscar because you can't put anything else with it......kind of the same with puffers eventually.

Not that I am trying to talk you out of it because puffers are one of the coolest fish there are, IMHO. They have so much personality it kind of makes up for not having a bunch of other fish and I agree with Pure, I don't think you would regret it. I just got dwarfs and F8's and LOVE them.

On another note, I was actually going to suggest a brackish tank set up before I read the part about you wanting to keep cichlids but then thought what about the orange chromide?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Orion said:
Hush your blasphemous mouth! Shame on you! haha

To be honest I hadn't given much thought to any non-cichlid fish. Big puffers would be kinda neat. Any particular recommendations on species?

Eartheaters! Yeah Matt thats a good idea! I'll have to think more on this, and see what the wife wants to do, and how much she want's to spend.

But I've just came up with a really cool idea for my 45 gallon for some extra equipment so more fish may have to wait....


What kind depends on if you want anything else in there or not. If you did want other fish you could try a Congo. They are a neat color changing species that will hide in a deep sand bed. They normally don't care about other fish they can not fit in their mouths, but for the added ability to keep other fish you loose on the interaction puffers are known for having. IE kinda hard to have a fish to interact with you when it's always hiding in the sand.

Some of the good species would be listed here http://www.pufferlist.com/ with the fahaka being one of my all time favorites, second to the Mbu. Mbus get to large for the average tank at 20-30 inches. Fahakas max out at 18, and that would be rare in a tank. In a 75 with proper filtration he could live in there for a very very long time.

Limi is totally right about their personalities. Have you ever met a really large puffer? I tell ya the bigger they are the more personality they have.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Not to hijack for a second (sorry) but I had the funniest interaction at the Charleston Aquarium w/ a porcupine puffer. I was trying to get a picture of it and everytime I lifted the camera it would swim away down to the bottom, but as soon as I put the camera down it came back and swam right in front of my face eye to eye. This went on for about 15 minutes. I assume people used the 'flash' on it and it recognized the camera and didn't like the light. (I wasn't trying to use the flash, but it didn't know that) It was totally cool and I could have stayed there for hours.......................


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
haha, puffer shmufer.

I think that was the website I was getting ready to go look for pure thanks. I recall running across a pretty good informative website a while back just couldn't remember the name of it.

The only thing I don't like about list's like that is sure, you may find a fish on the list that fits exactly what you want, but actualy attaining the fish is a whole different story.

No I've not thought alot about the Orange chromide or the many riverine species of cichlids. Keeping some asian cichlids would be a neat endevor. (but agian with that money thing...)


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
haha, I kept waiting for someone to do that. :D

Just shooting around some idea's. I'm sure than I'll find something that I like. lol It just really sucks that I can't even go down to the LFS anymore to see what they have in. :( That was always just a great place to think of something.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Or to go fishing....

Eh, the more I ponder the more I want to do a Tanganyikan community. Maybe splurge a bit for some adult calvus (white of course), some of the larger julies, some occies or telematts, and I may even try some cyps agian. If not cyps, then paracyps.

I did read up some last night on the eartheaters. They do sound really nice. I'm a big fan of keeping any mouthbrooders just because I haven't been exposed to them much. And to be honest I didn't think that any of the new world cichlds were mouthbrooders.

But it would make sence that I keep some SA cichlids because of my soft water right out of the tap. But no, I like to make it more difficult for me by having to buffer my water to keep rift lake cichlids. lol.


Medium Fish
Dec 8, 2005
Have you thought about Discus? My lfs has a show tank, I think its 90gal though, but it has a few discus a school of rummy nose and 6-8 corys. I love it, probably what I am going to do with my next tank.