home made live rock

haha... concrete isnt even a rock... and you have to be specific about the type of igneous rocks. its like saying id like to put a school of tetras in my 10 gallon... you might mean neons... and you might mean piranas.... and im not positive at all... but i think tavertine may be a metamorphic rock...


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
hahah i didnt mean concrete...its something else...


is Mare Basalt good to use after u boil it?

or vesicular basal o_O


is siltstone good looks alright

so anyone know where to get any of these? home depot?

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Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
YahooFishKeeper said:
what kind? do you know?

id boil anything you want to put in your tank... im not sure if it would float or not though. lava flows into the ocean during eruptions, so i dont think it does too much damage... after it cools i mean.

Just an FYI on lava rock.... DON'T use it!! Even if you boil it.
Lava rock has a VERY high level of phosphate in it and that will cause nothing but trouble. I am telling you this from experience... I tried it and nuisance algae ran amuck and my phosphate levels skyrocketed!!!:(

I mentioned this earlier but not sure if anyone looked into it but here it is again... This is a link to a site that gives instructions on making your own LR/base rock...the site is GARF.com... scroll down to the "agrocrete" section and it shows how to make your own using aragonite and portland cement.

Geothermal Aquaculture Research Foundation Home Page

All I can say is to be careful what you put into your SW tank... if it isnt something found in the ocean it most likely shouldn't be put in your tank...I do know that the GARF foundation has proven the "agrocrete" to be fully safe.


Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
Lavas are mineralogically designed to be stable in very high temps, dry conditions. They fall to pieces in water, especially salwater. leaching out all sorts of stuff, many of which are harmless, but some aren't. Don't go there.


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
TheFool said:
Lavas are mineralogically designed to be stable in very high temps, dry conditions. They fall to pieces in water, especially salwater. leaching out all sorts of stuff, many of which are harmless, but some aren't. Don't go there.
thanks i'll keep that in mind..=/

guess im sticking with travertine or cinderblocks...

yeah would it bee cool if u make nice art out of them?
just think of it live rock with art.